Feb 192012


As Bob was ill on February the 14th, we decided to postpone Valentines Day until Saturday.

When I was planning Valentines Day, Bob was going to sleep in her cot for a couple of hours at the beginning of the night.  With this in mind, I planned a romantic indoor picnic.  I bought Pink Fizz and lots of goodies, including a giant chocolate pizza.  I had only meant to order a small one but I didn’t notice the size options – oops!  I also bought One Day for us to watch and some heart lanterns.

Since Bob has been unwell she has been sleeping a lot more but she has wanted to be with us and will not settle on her own.  Not sure how romantic our evening would be we decided to include her, rather than try and get her to sleep.

It was very different from any Valentines Day I’ve had before but, in many ways, it was my favourite!  Bob enjoyed the picnic and her little face was a picture when we released the lanterns.  She even went to sleep on the sofa so that we could watch the film, obviously after we had watched Waybuloo and In The Night Garden!

It brought to mind something that I have read on a few of my friends status and I realised just how true it is!

♥ There comes a time in you life when ‘fun’ no longer means clubbing until 4am.  ‘Fun’ means Disney movies, family dinners, bedtime stories, long cuddles, messy house, being in bed by 10pm and hearing little voices say ‘I love you.’.  Becoming a parent doesn’t change you, it makes you realise that the little people that you created deserve the best of your time! ♥



 Posted by Charlotte on February 19, 2012 Activities, Being a Mother  Add comments

  One Response to “Our Funny Valentine”


    it just means you’re getting old charlotte,it comes to us allxxx

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