Bob’s toys have been driving me insane for a while. They are everywhere! She has some in her bedroom, some in the playroom and bits everywhere else that I look.
With Christmas approaching and a second little one who will soon be at an age where he will enjoy toys I needed to get organised!
I searched everywhere for a good storage solution and eventually found some lovely storage cubes. These are great as the can be stacked in various ways and can even be split between Bob and Bow’s rooms if we want our lounge back when they are older. I also ordered some storage boxes to go into 3 of the open cubes.
After we had built the cubes I realised that they were just the start of my storage solution. I needed several other items to be completely organised.
Some of Bob’s jigsaws and games no longer have their boxes because they have been damaged over time. I ordered some zip bags to store these in. I also wanted a clever way of storing all of her crayons, pencils and felt tips. I had the idea of sticking hooks into the side of the units and hanging buckets.
I found some lovely buckets which matched my colour scheme and I ordered these in pink, purple and blue. I also ordered some self adhesive hooks. When the buckets arrived I realised that I had ordered some that didn’t have any handles. They couldn’t be hung on the side but luckily they fit on one of the shelves.
As the side of the unit would now be empty it gave me an idea. I decided to develop the play room further and make it into a mini sensory play area. This will be perfect for Bow and I know that Bob will enjoy it too!
I have found some little coloured mirrors that I can attach onto the side of each storage cube. I am going to order these in pink, pale blue and green. I can’t believe how inexpensive they are! They are 35p each from Simply Plastics.
I would also like this sensory crawling mat to cover the laminate flooring.
This star night light, which is only £7.50, would be a great addition too.
I may also get a ball pool to put in the corner. Bob had a ball pool that she loved so I am sure that Bow would love one too! I could put some of these sensory balls in it.
I am very excited about completing my project in the new year. I think I will enjoy this room as much as the children and I will probably be sat in there long after they have gone to bed.
Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post.