Bob loves Nursery Rhymes! She is always asking if she can watch them on the laptop or the iPad. Unfortunately she is banned from using my iPad mini as she broke the full sized one. I occasionally let her watch them on the laptop but it worries me.

When I was asked if I would like to review a new DVD of Favourite Nursery Rhymes & Children’s Songs I thought this could be the answer to our problem.

Bob loves the DVD and she is always asking to watch it. She loves to sing and dance along to the songs and she is mesmerised by the animation.

If I am honest I quite enjoy it too as there are some funny moments within the songs. I think my favourite part is when Little Miss Muffet is running away from the spider to the Benny Hill theme tune. 🙂

This DVD has played a big part in our lives over the past few weeks. It provides the perfect backing track to everything! 😉

They have kindly sent me 3 copies of the DVD to give away to my lovely readers. 3 winners will be chosen and they will each receive 1 copy. There are many ways to enter using the Rafflecopter below.

I have another fab giveaway from Signature Entertainment coming up next week. Watch this space!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I was sent the DVD free of charge for the purpose of this review but all opinions are my own.

 Posted by Charlotte on April 7, 2014 Reviews  Add comments

  8 Responses to “Nursery Rhymes DVD Review & Giveaway”


    dingle dangle scarcrow


    Humpty Dumpty …. 🙂


    Little Miss Muffett


    Twinkle Twinkle!


    My son loves the wheels on the bus go round and round


    Daughter likes twinkle twinkle


    twinkle twinkle


    Little one loves itsy bitsy spider …

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