I haven’t had a haircut in far too long! I struggle to find time to go alone. The last time I went I took Bow with me and it wasn’t much fun.

I now embrace my curls, rather than straightening my hair. This hides the fact that I am in desperate need of a haircut for a while. Eventually though, something needs to be done!

no time for a haircut

I was still struggling to make an appointment with a professional so I decided to take matters into my own hands! I ordered some fancy hairdressing scissors and I watched several You Tube videos about cutting your hair yourself.

haircut at home scissors

I made my mind up to give it a go. It couldn’t look any worse than it already did! I washed my hair and used lots of conditioner. I then brushed my hair well and put it in a ponytail at the very top of my head. (Please excuse my freshly washed face!)

cutting my own hair for the first time

I picked up my new scissors and took a deep breath.

I asked Michael to take a photo as I was cutting and his intakes of breath and comments of, ‘Are you sure you know what you’re doing?’ were very helpful!

I decided it was now or never and started to cut.

how to cut your own hair

I was worried I was cutting too much off but I was desperate to get rid of my dead ends. I cut straight across and hoped for the best.

diy home haircut

I took out the bobble, brushed my hair and waited for it to dry. The hair around my face was shorter than it had been for a while and I started to worry.

When my hair was dry I was pleasantly surprised with the result. It is more layered than I would normally have it but it looks better than it did.

how to cut your own hair

This is a surprisingly easy d.i.y. haircut and I think I will be doing my own hair for many years. At least until Bow starts school.

 Posted by Charlotte on January 31, 2017 Uncategorized  Add comments

  26 Responses to “My First Attempt At A D.I.Y. Haircu”


    You are definitely braver than me! I’d never be able to cut my hair, but yours looks great! x


    I would never have thought of putting my hair into a ponytail on top of my head and then cutting it, but that’s such a smart idea. It really made it all quite simple and your hair ended up looking great!


    oh my lol I actually held my breath and was waiting for a very lopsided haircut but go you see its not that hard to do and has saved you a small fortune


    I wouldn’t advise doing it yourself as there are so many different types of cuts to learn and it does take ages. Also you will probably find it hard around the back where you can’t see properly. I remember back in college cutting off my own bangs. I hated having bangs, so instead of growing them out I decided to just cut them off which left a big stump there x


    This is how I cut my hair and amazingly it works every time!
    Well done! I think it looks fab x


    My friend always cuts her hair, exactly like you have done. I wouldn’t dare do it on mine! Mainly as mine is SO thick and super curly and I would cute far too much off. x


    I think you did a wonderful job! I trim my hair myself as well. It’s not as bad as people think! Once you get over the initial fear, you are good! Saves lots of money too 🙂


    I’ve tried cutting my own fringe before and that went really wrong so I don’t think I’d ever try again x


    I’ve used this technique a couple of times this year, always a worry when doing it! I really need to book in a proper haircut before this baby is due in May though!


    thought you had done Archies at first it looks ok yours nowt wrong we it xxx


    it came out great and it’s great that you love the outcome. ive been cutting my hair for 13 years now. thinking about it, ive saved a lot of money which wasn’t intentional haha


    Wow! I was worried reading About your haircut until the end reveal! It looks amazing and seems like it was pretty easy to do! Good job!


    Good on you, you’re braver than me! What a good result for your first go.


    Oh wow definitely did a nice job, I have tried several times in the past to cut my own hair and it has always been a disaster lol so I wait on my hairdresser to do it.


    Your photos did make me laugh – My husband would kill me if I cut my own hair but then again he is a barber. I know I’m incredibly lucky to live with my hairdresser!


    I can’t believe that it’s so simple and you can do it with just a ponytail! My hair is too short to try this but handy to know!


    It looks fab, and I am so jealous of your curls!

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