I am useless when it comes to dealing with bills! I try to avoid all official looking envelopes and go straight for the pink ones. Unfortunately I now have competition for the pretty mail. As soon as the postman has been Bob asks, ‘Is it for me?’
I used to deal with bills quite capably. When I was single and living away from home all the bills were paid and, although I minded parting with the money, I didn’t mind organising my finances. It was also much trickier back then. You had to write cheques and put them into envelopes. There was none of this logging on and clicking a few boxes. I’m showing my age now!
I think I have lost my bill mojo as my husband is happy to deal with them and I am happy to let him. I will open the parcels and cards and he can have the ones with the see through window. I am very good at sharing! 😉
I do feel bad about giving my husband all the responsibility but if we were both doing it, it may get confusing. I may get into trouble from many women for saying this but I am quite happy to divide the household into girl’s and boy’s jobs. I’m happy to cook and iron whilst Michael pays the bills and catches the spiders. 🙂
Santander have been helping people reduce their bills through their 1/2/3 current account. They realised there was a problem when they put together this infographic about how people deal with their bills. After seeing this I didn’t feel as bad about my blatant disregard for responsibility. 1 million Uk households don’t even open their bills! How on earth do they not get into trouble? Maybe it’s a sign of the times. Computers and direct debits do a lot of the work for us but surely they would want to check that no mistakes had been made?
Although I shy away from bills I am much more responsible when it comes to spending. Since Bob came along I question every penny I spend on myself. I had my hair done for the first time in 6 months the other day and I felt bad about it. Being a parent can make you feel very guilty about everything. It has done us good though as we used to spend money like it was going out of fashion before we had Bob.
I am also trying to let Bob take responsibility for pennies. I know she is only 3 but I don’t know if you can start learning how to be responsible too early. Obviously I am not going to let her pay the bills but I think a little money awareness can’t hurt.
When we were emptying our old house we can across lots of pennies. If it was 50p or over it went in my purse but if it was less Bob collected it. We then took her to a coin star machine to count her money. She managed to buy a new toy and she was very pleased! All of her hard work collecting had paid off!
She also has a little purse with a few pennies in which she takes when we go to our local shop. She is very good with her own money already! If mummy is paying for the sweets she chooses more than if she is paying for them herself. Clever girl! 😉
I love her style! I find it funny how when you go into relationship you give over some responsibilities and then when you have to take them back (like car care) it is terrifying!
I know! I’ve started taking a bit more responsibility over the things as I had got so useless. Bills are all Michael’s though. 🙂 x