I still have baby brain. I am hoping that I can use it as an excuse until Bob’s 18th birthday. I now have another problem. Potty brain!

It’s similar to baby brain but it is a bit more traumatic. Last night I dreamt that I pooed in my pyjamas in public!

When I received an e mail from Lucy (the brains behind the Me & Mine Project yesterday I gasped! I realised that I hadn’t taken my photo for August!

My husband was about to go fishing but I made him have his photograph taken before he left. I looked around from something to make this months photos more interesting than an ‘Oh no, I have forgotten,’ post and I all could see was potty paraphernalia.

I set up my tripod and quickly snapped a few shots. My husband rushed out of the door and I crossed my fingers!

This has been our month.





To read the potty diaries that I have published so far click here.


As always the 7 of us involved in the project are going to link up in a big circle so you can travel around our posts if you wish. This month I am sending you over to the Lucy’s gorgeous blog Capture By Lucy. It is full of beautiful photographs and if you haven’t visited it before you are missing a treat.

There is also a Me & Mine linky which is becoming quite popular. Your post will show up on all of our blogs (even mine now I have finally worked out what was going wrong) so there is no need to link up to 7 blogs individually. I love seeing all of your family portraits! I’ve showed you Me & Mine now show me You & Yours!


 Posted by Charlotte on August 31, 2013 Photography  Add comments

  19 Responses to “Me & Mine – A Family Portrait Project”


    Hahahaha. I think when you are potty training, you do go a bit potty. I love that captured that in your photo this month. I just know this portrait will really make you smile in years to come. x


    Are you having a bit of potty training anxiety with those dreams? Lovely photo!! 🙂 I completely agree about baby brain. Im pretty sure my brain will never be the same again. I love your fireplace. My mum and dad are looking at the moment so we’re getting all obsessed with fireplaces.


    ha ha they are brilliant 🙂 we are out of potty training hell but it was all encompassing at the time! x


    This is why this project is fab!! Now you have a fab set of pictures to show her when’s she’s 18!!! Thanks for the lovely comment too xxxxx


    Such a cute photo. I will definitely read your potty training diary as I have no clue about these things, but as we’re a way off it I will bookmark it to come back to!


    It sounds like it encapsulates August perfectly! In years to come you’ll remember exactly what you were up to!


    I think this is possibly the best me and mine.. a really “true” family portrait lol. Pretty impressive considering you say they are very last minute! Love them!


    These are brilliant! You look like SUCH a fun family. Bobs face in the second photo is hilarious, and I love the doll sat on the potty.
    You look really lovely by the way xx


    Love these photos. I am sure they will make you smile so much when you look back at the end of the year.


    wow you can really think on your feet – great pics for a last minute grab (also love how happy and relaxed your husband looks despite having to wait to head off for his fishing day – that’s a great dad for you). I’ll have to bookmark your potty diaries for next year when I’ll be looking to start potty training with E.


    Potty training is such a milestone, I think it’s really fitting to be documented in your Me and Mine photos. Might just be because I’m incredibly lazy, but I found potty training SO boring! We are about two months from starting now and he’s doing really well, doesn’t seem like too much effort any more.


    Rushed or not, they’re still gorgeous pics and capture what you’ve been up to this month. Bob gets more and more gorgeous every month too x


    Loving the face in the hole!


    Oh goodness, I am dreading potty training! Love the month in pictures idea though


    Hahahaha BRILLIANT! I love it. Potty training does kind of take over your life so I know your pain. MC had that book too – it’s fab! I do have to say though, I never dreamed I pooed in my pyjamas in public! 😀 x

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