As we have had quite a poorly April I didn’t have time to think about my Me & Mine project until a few days ago.

The weather is finally getting warmer so I started to picture lovely family portraits amongst the daffodils. This may have been the case had I remembered my tripod!

On Friday we went to the park but when we got there I realised that my tripod was half an hour away at home. No matter how I balance/suspended my camera I couldn’t get it high enough to take a good photograph.


Luckily I came across a flower bed which looked like the perfect setting for our photograph. I balanced my camera on the nappy bag, on a bench and started to take some photographs. It started to hailstone.

I did manage to take this photo before the heavens opened.


To make sure that I had a Me & Mine photograph I also took a few photos of us when we were ready to go out for a meal on Saturday. I love these photos as we all look so happy!


My Me & Mine is a bit of a mish mash again but at least it gives you an insight into our month, or into our last few days at least.

As always, the 7 of us that are involved in the Me & Mine project are going to link up in a circle so that you can travel around our posts. This week I am sending you to Chloe’s lovely new blog. Chloe has a brand new blog called Sorry About The Mess. It looks fantastic!


We have had some lovely posts linked up to the Me & Mine linky each week. Why don’t you join us? I’ve shown you Me & Mine, now show me You & Yours!

Click here to link up your post.

If you enjoy my blog and you have a spare minute please vote for me in the Brilliance In Blogging awards. I have been shortlisted in the video category. To see my videos click here.


 Posted by Charlotte on April 29, 2013 Photography  Add comments

  10 Responses to “Me & Mine – A Family Portrait Project”


    Ooooooooh, you managed to get so many different ones. And I like all of them for different reason. I especially like the one of Bob looking at the camera with a big grin while you give her a kiss. And I love the one of you in the daffodils through the grass; it feels like we’re spying on you. x


    Wow! Considering you were late getting your photo (I only took mine yesterday in a panic!) you got some really lovely ones. I do love the ones of you before you went out, you’re right – you all look so happy x


    My favourite is the one of you poking out of the daffodils! xx


    Oh my goodness who needs artsy photos when you have beautiful happy laughing photos like the last ones you took! They are really beautiful! It looks like every one was getting a good tickle 🙂


    Sorry to hear you’ve all been ill 🙁 That must have been rather rubbish. You all look well now though! Love the fact you had to balance the camera – all this effort is worth it 😉


    Lovely! Im enjoying this challenge immensely, although getting the kids to cooperate is a bit of a challenge


    I love that you’ve got such a variety of photos for this month (despite all the illness – poor you!) I think the ones you took before your meal are my favourites.


    Beautiful. I love all the different pictures.


    I love the daffodil photo!
    You have such a beaming smile, and you all look like such a happy family x


    i love the ones in the park. She’s a beautiful little girl!

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