It is official! I have lost my brain!

I was sat checking my e mails this morning when I saw one from Lucy about Me & Mine. It slowly dawned on me that today is the last day of the month!

I have been putting a few blog posts together this morning but my Me & Mine post wasn’t one of them as I had no idea what date it was!

Luckily I have a ‘photo’ that was taken a few weeks ago when we were at Haven. I piled Bob, my husband, my mum, my dad and myself into a sketch photo booth with my Me & Mine post in mind. I thought I could include my parents in an extended Me & Mine photo.

I had great plans of getting Bob to sketch us all too and include it in this post but, as I don’t even know what day it is, that hasn’t happened.

Here is the photo. I love it as it reminds me of our lovely holiday and it is lovely to have a photo of the 5 of us, even if my husband and I are half missing.


This month I am sending you over to Chloe’s lovely blog Sorry About The Mess to see what she has been up to this month.

I’ve shown you me & mine, now show me you & yours!

 Posted by Charlotte on April 30, 2014 Photography  Add comments

  10 Responses to “Me & Mine – A Family Portrait Project”


    I love sketch photo booths! How much fun is this picture all squished in together! Fantastic! #Me&Mine


    What a great photo – I love the different detail you have put on it too 🙂 Great spin.


    Can’t beat a squashed family photo! It’s nice to have everyone you love so squashed together! Lovely pic!!


    Aww, love it!


    Love it!! I love these machines.
    I was the same, I had a shock when the email came by last night! xx


    I think that’s a brilliant photo, and I love the you two are sort of framing your family!


    I love this idea! I was just as disorganised and have just put mine up a day late, despite taking my photo on the first week of the month!


    What a great photo, love it!


    This is great, such a unique way to take a photo. Fab idea!


    Ah I am so with you! Panic stations the day before posting!!!! xx

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