When we were asked if we would like to review some online games from Marvel Kids I thought that Bob would love them. She has an old phone of mine and she is constantly asking me to add new apps and games to it.

I showed her the games but they just weren’t pink and princess filled enough. Yes they were super heroes but there was a super hero girl so I thought she would enjoy them.

I was just wondering how we were going to review then without Bob’s help when her daddy caught sight of the screen. ‘Is that The Incredible Hulk?’ he asked. I knew I had found my reviewer!

Michael was excited to try out the games but he was disappointed when he realised that they couldn’t be played on the iPad. The games are to be played on the laptop as they use the keys to perform actions. I thought this was quite retro and fun but Michael wasn’t a fan. I think that was because he found it tricky. πŸ™‚

Spiderman Rescue

He decided to play Spider Man Rescue Mission first. It took a while for the game to load but Michael was soon engrossed in the game. Quite regularly I heard the sound, ‘Wa, Wa, Wa, Wa.’ I eventually dared to ask him if that meant he had lost. He looked up and said, ‘I am not sure I like this game.’ He’s quite a sore loser! After a few more attempts he decided to try a few other games. I kindly reminded him that the games were for children. πŸ™‚ I also found out that you can choose the level of difficulty. I daren’t ask him which level he was playing. πŸ™‚

Difficulty Level

He seemed to have fun trying a few of the games. His favourite one was Ultimate Spider Cycle. He said he enjoyed this game but he found using the arrow keys to control quite tricky. He dared to admit that kids would be probably be able to do it as he was a bit past it. πŸ™‚

Ultimate Spider Cycle

Spider Cycle

Michael’s overall review was:

There are lots of games to choose from and it would keep children entertained. I liked how the games included Marvel characters from my childhood. I found using the keyboard rather than touchscreen tricky but I had fun.

He’s a man of many words.

Disclaimer: We were sent a voucher to compensate for our time in giving an honest, unbiased review.

 Posted by Charlotte on October 8, 2015 Reviews  Add comments

  One Response to “Marvel Kids Online Games Review”


    Oh my boys LOVE these super heroes. I’m going to have a look at this πŸ™‚ Kaz x

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