In our household we love Smash Global’s products! My husband is obsessed with their  lunch boxes and, even though we have a couple of them, the children and myself don’t get a look in.

When Smash asked if we would like to review their new Back To School range of lunch bags I knew my family would love to. When Michael heard that I was working with them again he was very excited! Imagine his delight when the lovely people from Smash Global sent him some of his favourite lunch boxes as well!

Nude food lunch boxes

I told him that he had to wait until I had photographed the products before he used them. The next morning Michael got up earlier than usually. When I came downstairs I found this.

packed lunch nude food movers

He was so excited with his new lunchbox that I didn’t have the heart to tell him off. πŸ™‚

Smash Global’s new lunch bags are great!  They are insulated to keep things chilled and they come in several great designs. Bob was very impressed with the purple glitter lunch bag!

sparkly purple lunch bag

Smash also sent us a purple star bag (apparently Bob β€˜needs’ this one too) a yellow fun dinosaur bag and a 3D lunch bag! I had no idea you could get 3D lunch bags!

lunch bag range from smash global

There are some glasses inside the bag and when you put them on the dinosaur image on the front of the bag becomes 3 dimensional. Bob thought this was amazing!

amazing 3d lunch bag

As well as ‘Michael’s favourite lunch boxes we were sent some of the smaller lunch boxes. These fit perfectly inside the lunch bags and mean that there is no need for disposable packaging.


Not only are the lunch bags fab the bottles that come with both of the dinosaur bags have been a lifesaver! I have struggled to get Bow to drink from anything other than a bottle and when his bottle doesn’t contain milk he is not impressed! I was drinking out of a sports cap water bottle one day and Bow looked at me, smacking his lips. I gave him a drink of water and he thought it was fantastic! With every mouthful he grinned but, as the end of the sports cap was narrow, the water spilt out of the sides of his mouth. Every time he had a drink he got wet through.

The Smash water bottles have a wide tipped sports cap and they are perfect for Bow. We were sent a 500ml and a 330ml bottle and Bob thinks it’s amazing that she and Bow can have matching bottles!


We were also sent some Cup Movers. These are perfect for transporting breakfast, salad and soup. Each cup includes an appropriate utensil and either a dressing pot or a seperate section for croutons, etc. Sandwiches are great but eating them everyday for lunch can get a bit boring. These cups are ideal for transporting alternatives! 

mude food cup movers

I would highly recommend Smash Global’s products. They are perfect for packed lunches when our little ones go back to school and for lunches when you are out and about. Their products are available at Asda, Sainsburys and Tesco.

I have 4 Smash lunch sets to giveaway to 4 lucky readers. They are a five piece pack which include a lunch bag, a drinks  bottle, a snack tube, a sandwich box and a gel ice.

lunch set giveaway

I have 1 of each colour shown above to giveaway. The first winner drawn will have their choice of the 4 colours, the second their choice of the remaining 3 and so on. There are many ways to enter using the Rafflecopter below. Good luck!

Disclaimer: We were sent the products free of charge for the purpose of this post.

 Posted by Charlotte on August 11, 2016 Reviews  Add comments

  106 Responses to “Smash Global Review & Giveaway”


    I freeze the yoghurt tubes so they keep the lunch cool and are defrosted by lunchtime


    Use shaped scone cutters to cut sandwiches in different shapes – lovely for little ones!


    make the night before and keep in fridge saves a mad rush in morninggs


    change it around, don’t let them get bored with the same old thing!


    Make the night before and keep in fridge, saves alot of time when you are in a rush in the morning.


    plenty variety


    Try different fillings and let them help choose when buying so they don’t get bored of eating


    Make it colourful with different fruit and veg sticks.


    What a fab giveaway! I loved my lunch boxes as a kid


    my daughter doesnt like crusts so i cut them of x


    Put a frozen Frube or two in the lunchbox in summer. It acts as an ice block to keep the other food cool until ready to eat, melting back to its yoghurt sloppy state (if that’s how you like them) later in the day.


    Chopped up fruit


    dried fruit


    in the summer i freeze any drinks/yoghurt pouches so they keep everything cool as they defrost


    I think :- bear in mind likes and dislikes of child. Though provide some variety :- fruit and chopped vegetables. Some sandwiches, a little surprise :- maybe something new, something fun ( possibly animal shaped sandwiches etc)”


    healthy snacks and a plan for the week


    I make lunches in bulk for the week to save on time.


    I freeze their fruit juice carton so that they act as an ice pack for a day at the beach – they have defosted enough to drink by lunch time


    Put a frozen drink in with their lunch on really hot days to keep sandwiches cool.


    My top tip is to freeze yogurts tubes and then put them in lunch boxes. Keeps food cool till needed and then they are usually defrosted by lunch time, ready to eat πŸ™‚


    Do the night before and keep in the fridge overnight to save time in the morning.


    variety, and try something different from sandwiches like pasta or cous cous.


    do as much prep as you can before and make it fun


    Lunch boxes with compartments are great , you can put chopped fruit , shaped sandwhiches and other things in without them all getting mixed up


    I try and put different things in each day


    Mine love sandwiches cut into shapes and me leaving funny messages in the lunch boxes πŸ™‚


    Get the kids to help choose what goes in the packed lunch & if they are old enough to help with the making of their lunch. Always seemed to work with mine when the were at school


    Get the kids involved in making there own snacks


    Variety is the key. Having the same thing all the time is boring.


    Pack plenty of fruit!


    Instead of buying the little boxes of raisins buy some little containers and a big bag and make your own! Much cheaper than buying the little boxes in the long run!


    I do everything the night before


    I make it the night before to save the rush in the mornings and put a frube yogurt in the freezer then in the pack up to keep everything chilled.


    I let my child help wtih the lunch, that way they are more likely to eat what is in it, rather than open it and find things that they don’t like!


    use home made foods as much as possible to avoid excess packaging, preservatives salts and sugars and also you then can balance the nutrients going into your childs everyday diet


    Be prepared, makes things much easier


    I always make sure she has some fruits & vegs. Different ones each day. And try to keep unsweetened juice or any other treats.


    Use those shaped sandwich cutters to make lunches more exciting and sandwiches more interesting πŸ™‚


    be organized- prepare the lunch or ingredients the night before


    I like to use baking cutting shapes for sandwiches to make them abit more fun!


    Changing it up a lot before they can get bored


    Try wraps instead of sandwiches


    I love doing chopped fruit bowls with added sultanas x


    Freeze a tube yoghurt and pop it in the lunchbox. It will keep things cool and defrost in time for lunch!


    Use different sized pots that are easy to open.


    Make fruit and veg appealing, arrange them in a fun way, cut shapes


    Chopped carrot sticks with tiny pots of lite dips.


    preparing in advance helps


    carrot and cucumber sticks :-))


    Cheese and onion sandwiches and fruit


    Freeze yoghurt or drinks cartons – take it out in the morning and it should have defrosted by lunchtime, keeping the other lunch items cool too πŸ™‚


    I always put a little ice pack in the lunch box to keep the sandwiches cool and fresh.


    Prepare the night before


    Give them 2 choices so they feel like they are having a say. My daughter loves “helping” me make her packed lunch for sports club.


    I always use a chill/cold storage box instead of a hamper. The food stays fresh and there’s no worry of a bug invasion on your wicker basket πŸ˜‰


    disposable knife/fork/spoon or res-usable plastic always πŸ™‚


    Little sticks of veg like cucumber and carrot are great for snacking on


    I like a flask of hot water and a pot noodle with some butter bread.


    Prepare the night before to save you from the stress of it in the morning!


    Let little ones help pick things so they don’t get bored! Also if they don’t like it they’ve made it and remember for next time xx


    I always prepare the lunches the night before. I also let the little ones be involved in the grocery shopping then they can choose what they want. (Within reason).


    keep it colourful


    Freeze a tube yogurt beforehand and as it defrost it will keep the lunch cool.


    if you want to put salad on your kids sandwiches, put it in a seperate tub and freeze it. Come lunchtime it can be added to the sandwich and is nice and crisp and fresh (not soggy) also freezing the drink bottles is great in the summer and mostly melted by lunch.


    Lots of colour is always good! πŸ™‚


    Make it the night before xxx


    Make fruit and veg easier and quicker to eat by ensuring it’s bite-sized.


    If your child isn’t keen on sandwiches, make a picky kind of lunch, using cheese cold meats, breadsticks, rice cakes fruit and vegetables


    pack carefully


    get them involved in the making of the sandwiches, that way they are more likely to eat them.


    Variety throughout the week so that they do not get boring πŸ™‚


    I give my son choices about what he wants for his lunch, they are all healthy and because I am asking him he thinks he is choosing the lunch so eats it but wouldn’t if I didnt ask him to choose. Kids!


    Lots of variety and organisation!


    Make the preparations the night before and keep changing the contents so that it doesn’t become boring!


    If its a hot day i freeze a bottle of water so not only do we have cold water but it keeps the food cool


    Ellie loves a tuna and sweetcorn wrap as an alternative to a sandwich. I never buy pre-prepared fruit, I find it much more economical to buy fruit that is in season or on offer and make a fruit salad. ( I have containers that I brought back from Australia that have a rotational seal, keeps food fresh for longer)


    I always try different variety so it doesn’t get boring


    variety of different foods and make it colourful xx


    Keep it simple


    Josh loves wraps for his lunch, especially ham, cheese and lettuce. I usually try sneak him some grated carrot in as well, he seems to eat it, but doesn’t at home!


    For sandwiches, wraps, etc, I always pack the wet stuff in a wee box separately – no more soggy bread!! I also put frozen fruit into a tupperware pot of plain yogurt – it defrosts by lunchtime, keeps it cool and is lower in sugar than flavoured yogurt πŸ™‚


    Pack your lunches the night before, so there’s no rush in the morning.


    Make it the night before and keep in fridge – trying to make it the next day is mayhem.


    On hot days I freeze yogurt tubes and drinks to keep the rest of the food cool.


    don’t use much mayo, salsa etc as it will make the bread go soggy


    Get kids involved in preparing lunches


    When having pasta for dinner, make extra and have it cold the next day for lunch. Saves time making sandwiches that day.


    I’d make up the night before


    Prepare as much as you can in advance and keep changing it round!


    variety i get bored with same food


    a variety of small finger foods, carrot sticks, grapes, pomegranate seeds, jelly tubs, sandwiches, crackers…. and the list goes on


    Add different foods each day and make it fun so cutting out different shapes and having colourful fruit and veg


    I create a colour explosion so try to get as many colours as possible into one packed lunch


    Always try and remember to use healthy snacks over sugary ones.


    Dont overfill as kids tend not to eat as much at lunchtime


    Have a lunch box with lots of different compartments so it’s always a surprise whats in each section. Dips, fruit kebabs or some stickers are my daughters favourite surprise.


    Love the idea. Fantastic


    Sandwiches, plenty of fruit and a drink


    I make my own fruit bags and use shape cutters for
    Sandwiches as my daughter doesn’t like crust , in summer I freeze her juice
    So it’s nice & cold X


    my son loves his dinosaur bread cutter. Its so simple and i use the offcuts for croutons πŸ™‚


    Lots of variety to stop it being repetitive


    Always change it up and keep it as healthy as i can and fun πŸ™‚


    Make your own wraps!! Put in the filling and let them wrap it. Uo x


    don’t pverphase fussy eaters little seperate compartments are great x


    My children love cold pizza instead of a sandwich


    i love the lunch boxes with the fruit in them, saves fruit from bruising. In fact the whole range is fab

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