Nov 052015

We love our current home! For the past 12 years we have lived in old houses. They were lovely and quirky but they were also full of nooks, crannies and constant cobwebs. We now live in a house that was built 10 years ago and it is a refreshing change!

The house layout has been very well thought out and we have some amazing storage places. It is the perfect family home. The thing we have had to compromise on is the outdoor space.

The house that we lived in for most of our married life was a lovely cottage with an acre of land. It had a big garden and an orchard. We have a nice amount of outdoor space where we live now but it is nowhere near the amount we had when we lived in Nottinghamshire.

I thought Michael would really miss his garden as he used to spend hours in it. He had some lovely raised veg beds. It was lovely to have delicious home grown veg and for Bob to learn where food came from.




He also spent a lot of time mowing the grass. I was worried he would not be happy without the outdoor space. I was wrong.

It turns out that mowing the vast amount of grass was a job he wished he didn’t have to do. It took up so much time and was a constant battle to keep it looking nice. Although we have enough outdoor space in our current home most of it is paved or decked. There is a tiny patch of grass near the pond and Michael loves mowing it! It takes him about 5 minutes! He thinks it’s wonderful and still jokes about when he is going to find the time to mow the lawn.

One thing he does miss is his shed. We had many sheds and outbuildings at the cottage and Michael was never short of a bolt hole. We have a garage here but it is full of boxes and old furniture. Michael would love a shed full of man things. 🙂

I know he would love a shed with a radio, a mini fridge and a comfy chair in it. It would be his perfect place to escape our madhouse. I am sure we could fit one in the garden somewhere. I may have to surprise him with one for Christmas! Not sure how I could have it built without him noticing until Christmas morning though. Any ideas?

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.

 Posted by Charlotte on November 5, 2015 Uncategorized  Add comments

  10 Responses to “It’s A Man Thing”


    Men do love their sheds, we have our studio in our garden and my husband is always in it escaping, I do admit I pick up my laptop and join him a lot of the time as I can work and think much clearer, than when I am sitting indoors x


    My husband has really got in to gardening recently. It’s so nice having freshly grown produce.


    My mister has a shed on our allotment for ‘man stuff’ whatever that is or whatever that means, who knows x


    Men love their sheds and garages, it is a man thing indeed.


    Don’t know that it is just a man thing. My husband has a workshop where all his hobby bits and pieces live but I also have a shed for my craft stuff and I love escaping into it.


    I lived in a new build growing up, now we’re in an older house and now I want a new build again! xxx

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