Mobile phones have improved so much over the last few years! There used to be a huge difference in the photos that I took with my phone and the ones that I could capture with my camera but now the difference isn’t as great.

I still adore my camera and would always use it for a planned photo shoot or a special occasion but for days out I regularly rely on my phone. I also love how you can share photos via What’s App and they appear in your camera roll. Sometimes, if I am having a lazy day I rely on my friends phones to capture our memories and ask them to What’s App them to me later.

I am very organised when it comes to photos on my camera. I never leave any on the memory card and I have them all arranged into event folders on my computer. When it comes to my phone I am not so organised. Photos tend to stay on my phone until it starts protesting about it’s lack of memory. I then either delete some or move the ones the I want to keep to my laptop.

Many of my photos remain on my laptop and not enough of them make it to print. I have various canvases around the house which I love but I need to get better at displaying my photographs in albums. A couple of years ago I printed of hundreds of photos and arranges them all in date order in a huge album. Since Bob came along I have less time and I take many more photographs so I am very behind with this project.

When I was asked if I would like to review Imprify, an app that allows you to create a photo book from your phone, facebook, Instagram and Dropbox, I thought that this was a fabulous idea!


I have made several photo books via my laptop but I get sucked in to arranging and cropping and it can take hours! The idea of arranging one in minutes was quite appealing. I also thought it was a nice way to use some of the photos from my phone.

I decided to make a photo book using photos from our Christmas. I took some of these but I also had help from my friends and What’s App. A couple of them were taken with my camera but I had them on my phone as I had sent them to people and I couldn’t resist including them.

The book was very simple to arrange. I selected 22 photos and put them in the order that I wanted them to appear in the book. I then chose which photos I would like to feature on the cover and that was it.


If I’m honest I was quite nervous! It seemed too easy! I am used to resizing, rearranging and cropping for hours before ordering a photo book. I was worried that the photos wouldn’t be the right size as I had already edited them on my phone and I wondered if everyone’s heads would still be in place.


Luckily I was worrying unnecessarily. One image was printed per page and it was the exact size of your photograph. When I have made other books the space for the photo is often pre set and I have spent ages resizing and cropping. This was much simpler.


I think these book are a really nice idea. They may not be as fancy as other photo books but they are much easier to make and it is a lovely way of using the photos from your phone.


I am taking many more iPhone photos now as I have recently joined Instagram so it won’t be long before I am ready for my next Imprify book.

Imprify have also given me a discount code to share with you. This will give you 20% off a photo book. Just enter the code L20J15 at the checkout. This code is valid until May 2015.

Disclaimer: I was sent the book free of charge but all opinions and photographs are my own.

 Posted by Charlotte on January 16, 2015 Reviews  Add comments

  2 Responses to “Imprify Photo Book Review”


    Looks like a brilliant gift – I wonder if I can find an excuse to treat myself!


    Thanks a lot for this amazing review. Here is the 20%off promocode 76C7E9.
    Enjoy your imprify 🙂

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