How have I never heard of Igam Ogam before? She is great!

When Signature Entertainment asked me if I would like to review and giveaway an Igam Ogam DVD I had to say yes out of curiosity. I had no idea what Igam Ogam was!

It turns out she is this fabulous, pint sized cave girl with some amazing friends. My favourite character is Triple Tog. He is a duvet made out of a saber toothed tiger. 😉

I am disappointed that I haven’t met her before as I am sure Bob would have loved this from a young age!

Bob loves Igam Ogam! She is enthralled when it is on the television. I owe Igam Ogam a great deal as she has just kept Bob entertained on a long road trip. we travelled to Devon, then to North Wales via a hotel with a soft play area and then home. Bob was an angel for all the journeys and it is mostly thanks to my new friend. In the words of my husband, ‘That DVD is genius!’

It also kept Bob entertained when we in the hotel room. The hotel was a bit behind the times with only 5 channels so again Igam Ogam saved us!


Ruth Jones narrates the series and it is usually shown on Milkshake.

Signature Entertainment also sent us an Igam Ogam book. When we returned from our travels I let Bob open it and her reaction was priceless!

For those of you that would like Igam Ogam in your lives on a permanent basis (trust me, she is a welcome addition) I have a DVD and a book to give away to 3 of my lovely readers.


There are various ways to enter using the Rafflecopter below. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

 Posted by Charlotte on April 14, 2014 Reviews  Add comments

  13 Responses to “Igam Ogam Review & Giveaway”


    My favourite was She-Ra


    I loved Bagpus!


    Bodger and badger


    I used to like the wooden tops


    mine was postman pat


    Bagpus was the best


    Mr Ben was my favourite


    I loved Rhubarb and Custard, I think purely on the strength of the music!


    Raggy dolls


    Ivor the Engine



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