When I was first asked to review the Kiddy Evo Lunafix they sent me a list of compatible cars. I drive a Jeep Cherokee. This wasn’t on the list but the Grand Cherokee was. This has all of the same attachments so we thought it would be fine.

The car seat works well with my car. There is only one reason that I can see that it might not be on the list. To enable the seat to lie flat you push the handle of the car seat back. In order to do this the front seat needs to be moved forward. When it is far enough forward for the seat to lie flat there isn’t much leg room left in the front. 

I have sat in the front and I have been fine.  I think it is more important for my baby to lie flat than for me to stretch my legs. Having said that, it is important not to compromise the safety of an adult. I am slightly uncomfortable but I am still safe. If I was in any doubt I would sit in the back.
You can find out if you car is compatible with the Evo Lunafix by using the widget at the bottom left of this page. It looks like this and is easy to use.

My husband was in charge of fitting the car seat and he has written a little review for me. It took me a while to get my head around it and work out what he was trying to say but I think this is what he meant. 🙂

Michael’s Review

The car seat was very easy to fit. I followed the instructions but it was self explanatory. The ISO fix base slid directly onto the anchor points and green spots showed when it was located properly.


Next I fit the front arm to the car floor. Again, once it was in the right position a green spot showed. When I attached the seat to the base green dots showed again if it was correctly in place. You then push one more button to push the car seat up to the back of the main seat.

I found it quite simple and quick to install. The reassurance of the green dots was great. If the green dots are not showing the car seat is not fitted correctly.


Sorry it is not the longest review in the world. It took me a while to get this much out of him. At first, when I asked how the car seat was to fit, he said, ‘It’s great, no trouble.’ Thanks Michael! 🙂

I have been using the car seat since Michael fitted it. It clips in place very easily and there is a handle at the back of the seat which you lift to release the seat for the base. It is quick and easy which is what you need when you have a baby, all of it’s belongings and somewhere to be.

The next post is about our journey home from the hospital and you will finally get to see Bow in his car seat. 🙂 Watch this space!

Links to my other posts about this car seat can be found below.

A Car Seat That Can Lie Flat
Finding A Pushchair

To find a stockist click here.

Disclaimer: We were sent the car seat free of charge on return for an honest, unbiased review.

 Posted by Charlotte on November 17, 2015 Reviews  Add comments

  21 Responses to “How To Fit A Car Seat By Michael”


    This is really handy as they can be quite tricky to put into place so thank you for sharing x


    My friends are looking to buy a car seat at the moment, so I will pass this on to them 🙂


    I feel like I need a degree with this, why can;t they make a seat which is universal and easy to fit? x


    we don’t have a car , but the kids have car seats for when the go out with their grandparents. And my dad really struggles to get them fitted in right with his old 4×4.


    I remember getting in a right mood with one when my daughter was a baby, I just could not get it to sit in there safely. Of course Mr Know it all (aka my husband) did it in 2 seconds


    It sounds like an easy to fit car seat, and I like the reassurance of the green dots. It is also great that it lifts out easily as well


    Car seats are difficult for many to install. I wonder why. Great post.


    I’ve never had to fit a car seat, I can imagine I wouldn’t be very good at it through lol. x


    This looks really easy to install. I do worry about fitting them correctly x


    Wouldn’t it be so much better if cars automatically came with all the fixings so that car seats could all universally just slot in!


    I’ve never been in the position to fit a car seat so I think I’d be terrible at it. x


    A really informative and helpful post, so thanks for sharing! I left the car seat fitting to husband so it makes good reading for me – time I educated myself, lol


    This is such a handy and important post for those who need it xxx


    I have fitted so many car seats over 19 years – 19 years!! Some are great and some are a nightmare. Great post – thanks Michael! Kaz x


    Those green buttons are a great idea!


    Shame you need to sit so far forward in the passenger seat but it seems like a good buy otherwise 🙂


    I think you’ve done well to get that much out of him. When I ask my husband to give me feedback on anything, it’s like pulling teeth!


    My husband is also in charge of fitting the car seats – I honestly wouldn’t have a clue! Great review by Michael!


    Great review, it’s so important to find a great carseat and I love the sound of this one.


    Thank goodness I’ve left this stage….once you get it in….leave it there!!! Lol!!


    Am bookmarking this to show a friend of mine, she’s on the hunt for a new carseat! Sounds easy enough to fit.

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