If you missed Grandparent’s Day on the October 5th Oct this year then don’t fret – you can start planning next year’s celebration and show your favourite relatives just how much you love and appreciate them!


‘Nanna’, ‘granny’, ‘granda’ or ‘pops’, whichever moniker you use to address your grandparents, there is no denying that they have played, and will continue to play, a significant role in your life.


They are the people we turn to when mum or dad doesn’t quite understand, they provide emotional support whenever we need it and let’s face it, grandma and grandpa always come armed with treats and goodies, regardless of what age you are. There’s no doubt about it, grandparents are the new cool!

The coolest grandparents let you get away with blue murder – let you stay up late, give you pocket money, take you out for treats, keep your secrets, always put you first… it’s all in a day’s work for our grandparents.

So where do you start when trying to show your grandparents how much they mean to you on their special day?

Make an album – start simple and make a photo album. This has never been easier thanks to the plethora of photos of family members on social media but you can always raid mum and dad’s photo collection too! The appearance of your album is irrelevant – it can be a cleverly designed photobook or a basic scrapbook filled with cut outs. What matters is what’s inside it.

Make a family tree – how cool would it be to present your grandparents with a detailed outline of their lineage? Online sites can tell you everything you need to know about your family tree from census, birth, marriage, death and military records.

Visit their hometown – why not take them back to the place they grew up in, providing they don’t still live there. The trip will bring back nostalgic and happy memories and makes a real treat when celebrating their special day.

Surprise them with their favourite home cooked meal – if, for whatever reason, leaving the house is not an option, what better way to show you care than arriving to granny’s house, shopping bags in tow and taking up residence in the kitchen for an hour?

Take them on a treasure hunt – if you’re feeling creative, it’s always fun to devise a series of clues leading to various locations which will lead to a lovely surprise or gift for your grandparents. Think of treats or gifts that will mean something to them for added wow-factor.


 Posted by Charlotte on October 15, 2014 Being a Mother  Add comments

  One Response to “How To Create Memories That Last A Lifetime On Grandparent’s Day – Guest Post”


    Some top ideas!

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