Since my 12 week scan the baby in my tummy was called Bob. This is partly my fault but it is mostly thanks to my friend Catherine.

Although it was lovely to look at the scan picture, I couldn’t help thinking that my baby looked like a blob. (Does this make me a bad mother? – See blob below!)  After telling Catherine this she announced that, from now on, my baby would be called Bob. Bob the Blob.

This nickname stuck throughout my pregnancy, even after I found out that I was having a girl, and it is still going strong! Bob happens to go very well with her real first name so many people now refer to her with a double barrelled first name. 🙂

My advice to you would be, be careful what you name your unborn child! Luckily I think that Bob is quite cute but imagine shouting Eric the Embryo across the playground! ;0)

 Posted by Charlotte on February 26, 2012 Being a Mother  Add comments

  5 Responses to “How Bob Came To Be (Not The X-Rated Version!)”


    Zachy was Nipper before he was born and still is to this day! He is 2.5 years old now and we shorten it to Nip.


    […] disconnected from my baby. Maybe nicknaming her ‘The Blob’ didn’t help! ;0) (See How Bob Came To Be.) When we found out that we were having a girl everything seemed real! I suddenly felt connected […]


    […] disconnected from my baby. Maybe nicknaming her ‘The Blob’ didn’t help! ;0) (See How Bob Came To Be.) When we found out that we were having a girl everything seemed real! I suddenly felt connected […]


    […] Bob was born (just in case you didn’t know, Bob is a nickname and we are not cruel) my husband and I thought long and hard about what to call her. I found out […]

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