We used to love going abroad before we had children. It was a great way to relax! We’d spend days lying around the pool, watching the world go by. We’d also hire a Jeep and explore what the area had to offer. It was wonderful to experience the local cuisine independently, rather than on a bus full of tourists.

We arrived at a restaurant one afternoon and ordered our Greek salads. The waiter smiled at us and said that we had got it right. He then looked towards a group of 40 holiday makers who had arrived at the restaurant by coach and were being served their pre ordered burgers and chips.

Since Bob and Bow arrived holidays abroad have become much more challenging. We took Bob abroad just before she was one. It was awful! She had just started walking and all the floors were either tiles or concrete. There was no lounging by the swimming pool and getting lost in a book. Instead our days were spent chasing Bob around, panicking that she was going to fall and hurt herself. I tried to feed her the food she was used to at home but as it was cooked differently it upset her tummy. She was grumpy because of the heat and we spent our evenings walking up and down with her pushchair, trying to get her to settle.

We decided to not go abroad for a few years and we had some wonderful holidays in the U.K.

thursford christmas extravaganza

We went to Cornwall, Devon, Peppa Pig Land, Wales, Norfolk and many other exciting places.

devon beach bum

When Bob was 4 we decided to risk going abroad again. This time was better as she loved swimming and the discos but I was pregnant with Bow and I found it too hot. I also had gestational diabetes so the all inclusive was wasted on me.

Now Bow has joined our family we have decided to wait for a few years before we risk an abroad beach holiday. We did go to Disneyland Paris this year which we enjoyed. Bow was a bit young but Bob really wanted to go and we wanted to take her whilst she still believed.

countryside adventures

We have had some lovely adventures not too far away from home. We have been to Legoland at Windsor which was brilliant! Bob is desperate to go back but, as it’s quite far from where we live we have said we can go to Manchester for the weekend and go the the Lego Discovery Centre. There are some great serviced apartments in Manchester that would be perfect.

tips for visiting legoland

We have spent many fun filled days in Blackpool. My parents live their so we are lucky enough to have seaside adventures every time we visit Grandma and Grandad. We have also been to Whitby and explored Beatrix Potter World and the aquarium.

blackpool beach

We have had many woodland adventures! We have been on an Easter Egg hunt, a Gruffalo Hunt and a Fairy Trail. There are so many beautiful spots to explore near where we live!

searching for the gruffalo

SACO have conducted some research that revealed that one in four Brits believe that there is no place like home. When it comes to holidays most people said that their fondest memories were holidays in the United Kingdom. I think that is definitely the case for us. I am sure we will have some adventures abroad when Bob and Bow are older but, for now, home is definitely where the heart is! 

Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post.

 Posted by Charlotte on September 20, 2017 travel  Add comments

  12 Responses to “Happy Places Not Far From Home”


    Ahh we live not far from Blackpool too! Great memories of our times there! We have decided to do UK holidays whilst the kids are so young, we’ve had some amazing holidays down on the south coast.


    We have done a few days out in the UK Legoand, Warwick Castle and always holiday’ed in the UK too. I would love to take my boys on a plane though!


    i read all that it’s really good xxx


    i read all of that it was really good xxx


    I don’t think it’s always about physically going abroad, it’s about the people you meet and the memories you make x


    There are some wonderful place to explore in the UK. xx


    I love exploring places close to home, there are so many hidden gems to find


    I think abroad is nice but here at home we still have plenty of awesome places to explore. I am traveling a lot now so I wont feel too bad once I have to give it up {happily}


    There’s so many different places that you can go in the UK, it’s actually really surprising! 😀


    There is so much to explore in your area. So many exciting places for the little ones 🙂


    It’s awesome that you have so many fun places to visit that are nearby! I wish N.I had more places like this!

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