Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest Bob of all?
Bob loved the mirror fun in one of the many toddler play areas at Wheelgate Adventure Park. We will be definitely visiting again!
My Fun Photo Favourite from last week was from Char over at The Epic Adventures Of A Modern Mum. It was a beautiful post about the island of Antigua where Char was born. I loved looking at the gorgeous photos as it reminded me of our honeymoon. My husband and I went to Antigua in 2005 and we had the most wonderful time! Below is an example of Antigua’s beauty, visit Char’s blog to see some more.
As a reward Char can let me come and visit her when she goes home. 🙂 She can also display the Fun Photo Favourite badge if she wishes.

If you have been having fun with photography, editing or you’ve photographed something fun, please link up below. Make sure that you link up the post, rather than your home page as I struggle to find some of your posts when I am choosing a Fun Photo favourite. If you would like to grab my badge or add a text link it would be much appreciated. Also, if you would like to tweet me your links I would be happy to RT them. Don’t forget to choose your favourite using the like buttons beneath each image. This will help me to choose my Fun Photo Favourite.

*By taking part in this linky you are giving me permission to show your photo next week, if it is chosen as my Fun Photo Favourite. I will, of course, link back to your blog.
If you like my blog and have a few spare minutes I would really appreciate a nomination in the BIB awards. I think that my blog would be most suited to the Fresh Voice or the Video award but a nomination in any category would be wonderful!

Linking up with some other Lovely Linkys.
Peekaboo she is too cute!
How precious and I love the sweater too!
Looks like lots of fun happened! Happy WW
Thanks for hosting, Love the photos you have shared! have an awesome day!
That is one crazy colorful corner.
Charlotte, these pictures are beautiful they really are stunning honey x
aww she’s so adorable 🙂
Ai @ Sakura Haruka
Looks like fun, a natural model! Personally, I want to go play with Char.
Bob just gets cuter and cuter by the day!! 🙂
Easter Egg Decorating Fun Part One
Looks so fun and she is adorable:)
She is just too cute!
Awww! She is soooooo cute!
Awww. Lovely photos! 😀
[…] Linky Fun: The Long Road to China//Life As We Know It By Paula//Friday Letters//Melting Moments//Friday Photo Journal//Give Me Your Best Shot//1440//Weekly Top Shot//Country Kids from Coombe Mill//Ruby Tuesday 2//Wittle People//The Crumby Mummy// […]
Cute sweater!
How freakin’ adorable is she?! Love that little outfit on her! She looks like she had fun! That last shot is making me crave warmer temps.! I’m so sick of the cold!
Real cute shots! Thanks for hosting and Happy WW!
Very nice pictures, and the last one does make me want to be there.
Thanks for hosting and hope you join us in our WWHop: http://www.craftyspices.com/hops/wwhop
Aw she is so gorgeous.
That does look like a fun place to play 🙂
[…] being inspired by Stacy’s fabulous dyed eggs in last week’s Fun Photo Fun, Bob and I decided to make some of our own.. I thought that Bob might be a bit young to dye them so […]