I have a good camera that I bought before I started blogging. It is not a DSLR but it is also not a point and shoot. It is somewhere in-between. I have a book, which goes through all of the functions of the camera. It is good but I rarely get the time to sit and read and I feel as if I need to read it from cover to cover.
I regularly come across fabulous tutorials on blogs, which I would love to try, but they are for DSLR’s. For my birthday my husband looked at getting me a DSLR but when he told the people in the shop the make of camera we already had they said, as it was such a good camera, we would need to spend at least £700 to get a DSLR that would take as good a photo as our inbetweener.
I am hoping to slowly work through the book but I constantly worry that I am not getting the best out of my camera. I am enjoying learning new things but there is a lot to take in.
The other day, Bob and I were at soft play. I didn’t have my camera, only my phone, but I managed to take an amazing shot! (Well, at least I think so.) This made me realise that I shouldn’t worry so much! I should just have fun and see what happens. That is the reason that I started this linky after all.
Something that I haven’t told you is that I am also a huge Lomography fan! I have a Lomo LCA and a Diana F and I love using them but since I have been blogging I tend to rely more on digital as you are guaranteed an outcome. Imagine my excitement when I saw an effect on an app that said ‘LomoArt’!
Here’s my fabulous photo, created with my phone and a little help from a Lomo fairy!
My friend said that it could be a poster for a Tim Burton movie! I love it!
There was some great fun linked up last week but my Fun Photo Favourite has to be Brinabird And Son. I loved her post about the fun that they had at the Royal Edinburgh Botanic Gardens. She took some gorgeous photographs and changed the 5 senses to include Enjoy! I love it!
As a prize she can take me to the Botanic Gardens and she can also display the Fun Photo Favourite badge if she would like.

I hope you have been having lots of fun with your cameras this week, whatever make they are. If you have been having fun with photography, editing or if you have been photographing something fun please link up below. Remember to visit some of the other blogs to share some linky love!

This week’s See It Snap It Love It theme is colour and, as I love the colours in this photo, I thought that it was a good post to link up.
This linky is now closed. Click here to see this weeks Fun Photo Fun.
That’s a fantastic photo, well done x
Thank you! x
That’s a great photo. My phone takes pretty good pictures.
Thank you and thanks for linking up! x
I’m off to find out what Lomography is now?!? Not a clue, but that is a really clever shot!
That’s a fab shot. When people comment on my camera and how it must mean I get good photos I always think that it’s the fact I have the camera with me that means I get good photos. These same friends complain they have no nice pictures of their little ones but don’t carry a camera or bother to use their camera phones. It’s taking the pictures that matters, not the kit you use. X
Definitely! I am sure that my shots wouldn’t be as fab as yours even with a DSLR. It’s to do with the person taking the photo and the fact that they bother to take them too! I would still like a DSLR one day. Just for fun! x
Really cool shot!
Thank you and thanks for linking up! I have visited your blog and tried to leave a comment but I can’t as I don’t have a blogger account. Hope you see this. x
I think this shot came out great! I love silouhettes! Great job on the photo processing too ;o)
Photography is always fun which occupies most of my Sunday morning.
Love this photo of your little girl! Awesome shot!
Love that photo! Reading the manual is tedious – but you learn so much.
Thank you and thanks for linking up!!! x
Thank you! I’m so sorry, the giveaway has now closed. x
Enchanting photograph. Great capture.
[…] my camera is an inbetweener (See last weeks Fun Photo Fun for more details.) it has some Art/Scene modes as well as allowing you to change the settings […]
Wow, the time has flown by, I can’t believe it’s Wednesday already… I’ve been outside painting the house everyday, all day! Love your entry, thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #40!
just love your shot!
Hi there! So sorry I’m coming over to say how much I ADORE this photo… & your lovely blog… AND I love your link up! I’ll be back to link up next time for sure. Thank you SO much for linking up w/ us for Finagle a Foto! I’m just picking the latest top 3… I think you will surely be listed there!
Come back & link up again Sunday!!
Wow! That means a lot!!! Thank you so much!!! I will definitely be back on Sunday! x
Lol… what I meant to add was so sorry I was coming over so late)
[…] have got a new camera! How exciting!!! I loved my inbetweener. It took some fantastic photos and it helped me to learn the basics of shooting manually. It is a […]
[…] I mentioned about my lomography obsession in Fun Photo Fun- Amazing, I was surprised at how many people had never heard of […]
Beautiful colours in that photo. I can see why you chose to link it up. Thanks for joining in. X
Wow, such a fantastic picture. I love the lighting!
What an amazing photo. I can’t believe you captured that on your camera phone. I should stop complaining about only ever having my phone to hand and start taking some pictures!
I think it was a fluke. ;o)