I think that Bob definitely follows in my footsteps when it comes to photography. She can already take better photos than her daddy. 🙂

She is always wanting to borrow my phone and I used to let her. She has taken some good photos! This is one of my favourites.


I have just upgraded my phone which was long awaited! My old phone has been broken for a while and I was desperate for a new one. I am now reluctant to let Bob borrow my new phone as it has to last for a 2 year contract and Bob was part of the reason my old phone broke. It was mostly my fault. I dropped it and completely smashed it. I then had a new screen fitted cheaply. Bob then dropped it slightly and the screen popped off. The touch screen never worked again.

Bob has also started asking if she can take a photo using my DSLR. That is never going to happen!

It is her birthday in May and I would love to buy her a camera. I know that there are children’s cameras on the market but I have had bad experiences with them. We had a couple of the ones that look like binoculars when I worked in reception. They had handles to allow the children to keep the camera steady whilst they were taking a photo. All of the photos taken with them were so blurry. I couldn’t even take a photo that was in focus with them, never mind the children!

Obviously I am not thinking of buying her a DSLR just yet. Maybe next year. 😉 I would really like to get her a grown up camera though. Like I said, she has taken some great photos with my old phone and she is careful with it. When it was dropped it was an accident and not when she was using it.

I think Bob would definitely be able to use a point and shoot camera! I have been looking at Panasonic compact cameras and they have some great ones available.

I now just have to convince my husband that Bob is grown up enough for a big girls camera! He can’t really say anything as she is already a better photographer than he is. 🙂


 Posted by Charlotte on April 21, 2015 Uncategorized  Add comments

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