Oct 192015

In case you didn’t see my first post about the Kiddy Evo Lunafix car seat and it’s amazing lie flat capabilities here it is.

As I knew that I was getting an Evo Lunafix I based my choice of pushchair on this. The Evo Lunafix fits on a Maxi Cosi chassis so it is compatible with many pushchairs.

I love old fashioned looking prams, I am not a fan of the modern contraptions that look a bit like spaceships. The Evo Lunafix introduced me to a range of pushchairs which I would never have known about.


The Emmaljunga range are very classic looking and I fell in love with them! I found a lovely one in grey with a sheep pattern inside. It is so cute! I purchased the adapters and I couldn’t wait to try it out with the car seat!

When the adapters arrived I was shocked by the size of the parcel. Instead of being small black adapters which I used with Bob’s pushchair they were attached to a silver frame. I had my doubts about how easy the would be to use. Luckily the adapter frame fits to the pushchair frame easily.


The car seat then clips onto the adapters. Once it is in place you can lie it flat by pushing back the handle.


I never used Bob’s car seat on her pushchair as I was so worried about the damage that leaving them in a car seat too long could cause. I always lifted her out of her car seat and placed her in her pram. This was fine for days out or walks but it wasn’t very practical to quickly nip into a shop. I am looking forward to being able to click Bow’s car seat onto his pushchair and go without panicking!

Disclaimer: We were sent the Kiddy Evo Lunafix in exchange for honest, unbiased reviews.

 Posted by Charlotte on October 19, 2015 Reviews  Add comments

  17 Responses to “Finding A Pushchair”


    I’ve often seen those prams- but never knew what brand they were, or how they’d work with car seats. It’s a fab looking unit! I love a great pram 🙂 x


    This looks like a decent pram. Wouldn’t work for me though as I still need a double. I am counting down the days until I can ditch the pram completely.


    I love the look of these classic prams where you walk and stare at your baby at the same time haha


    There are so many prams on the market that it is easy to get swamped. I’m glad you have found one that you like. x


    If I had to choose a pram, literally I would never make a decision, there are just so many that are everything but prams and I am sure at some stage they will turn into everything you ever need x


    There are so many different styles to choose from, I don’t know how a mum just chooses one!


    It is so difficult finding a pushchair that is suitable for both mother and child and is an investment that needs a lot of thought.


    I struggled to find the perfect twin pushcahir for my babies so I can relate with this post.


    I dont have a baby but I imagine buying a pushchair is so hard with all of the different ones available! xxx


    I love a good solid buggy, we didn’t have one at all with our middle 3 children as I carried them in slings but our #5 needed oxygen cylinders so we bought something very similar to this so it was strong enough to take the weight!


    Love it! Looks very sturdy… Even the brake! Mine has one little catch on one side that I don’t trust! Xx


    I agree traditional prams all the way! My sister had this style emmaljunga for her daughter too. I love the look of this car seat being able to lie back and it looks so easy to attach to the frame too! I had 3 prams when my daughter was first born due to manufacturing issues but it is so hard to find the right one isn’t it


    This looks great, and love the colour of the car seat insert. It’s so handy that you can move them across to the pram in the carseat. Nothing worse than having to disturb a sleeping baby!!


    I really like the look of this pram. It’s a brand I wound consider now I’ve read your review


    I am not a parent but I have a little brother (18 years younger than me) and I remember that getting a pushchair for him wasn’t that easy. I believe parents/parents to be will find your post useful.



    This pram looks really nice. I love the old fashioned looking ones, I shouldn’t say old fashioned actually maybe the word classical is better.

    It’s so difficult choosing a pram, the main basis for choosing the one we did is because it was the one we could find where the handlebar came up high enough (I’m 6ft and my other half is 6ft 2) so wanted something comfortable on our backs.

    Laura x


    Oh what a lovely looking pram – it’s gorgeous! Great review – Pickle is past this stage now 🙁 Kaz x

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