We love fairies and we love making fairy gardens even more. We have recently reviewed the Unicorn Garden from Interplay. Bob loved it!
Imagine our delight when we heard that there was a new light up fairy garden! It has all of the fun of the original garden and it lights up. It would be lovely in a child’s bedroom.
The new Fairy Light Garden is a wonderful grow and play set. The home of Fairy Belle and Fairy Elvie with Unicorn Foal and Hedgehog, it has wonderful secret spaces and cute accessory play pieces. The enchanted fairy mushroom home doubles as a night light. Simply blow on the magic candle through the window to make it light up. It also plays gentle harp music! The gentle illumination is the perfect nightlight and a great way to help children drift off to sleep.
Children will have great fun setting up the Fairy Light Garden and growing the grass to create a beautiful fairy home. It comes with grass seeds and everything you need to set up the garden – just add compost.
There is a secret tunnel and hidden home for the little hedgehog friend and a beautiful bridge that can connect to the other My Fairy Garden products.
Fairy Light Garden comes with lots of accessories:
* Fairy Garden Bowl
* Light-up Musical Fairy House
* Raised Growing Bed
* Raised Decking with Hedgehog House
* Fairy Heather Figure
* Fairy Evie Figure
* Hedgehog Figure
* Unicorn Foal Figure
* Fairy Mushroom
* Fairy Bridge with Flowers
* Posts with Cords & Bunting Sticker Sheet
* Packet of Grass Seeds
* Coloured Gravel
* Fairy Dust in Vial
* Fairy Flowers
* Colour Activity Booklet
To celebrate the release I have 2 Fairy Light Gardens to giveaway. There are many ways to enter using the Rafflecopter below. Good luck!
Fairy Light Garden is available for around £29.99rrp from Debenhams, Very, Littlewoods, Amazon.co.uk and many more retailers
Has to be Unicorns for my daughter and I too
Fairies and unicorns too!
Loch Ness Monster
Fairies and mermaids
I love fairies
Faires for me
Unicorns and mermaids.
unicorns for us!!
I love Santa’s elves, it would be my dream job
I liked the centaurs in Harry Potter, and I also like the idea of mermaids.
fairys and seahorses x
I love pixies.
I love faries
My daughter loves unicorns!
I love mermaids!
I love fairies, when I was a child I used to love reading The Faraway Tree and can’t wait until my little one’s old enough to have it read to her at bedtime.
unicorns and mermaids are my favorite magical figures
definitely unicorns in our house!
we love unicorns
fairies and mermaids
We like unicorns here too x
I love Bigfoot, I really hope s/he is real! thanks for the chance
For me it has to be unicorns they are so pretty!
fairies, pixies and the borrowers
My daughter’s is unicorns (unless she loses her tooth, then of course it’s fairies lol)
I love sea horses they are super cute
We just love Mermaids
I love unicorns and fairies – but you do know they are real don’t you?!!!
We love fairies
Mine is unicorns
Dragons. I have a cross-stitch chart I want to do of one.
Dragons, Mermaids and the phoenix
We love unicorns
Got to be Dragons
We love gnomes especially the ones with their fishing rods
I absolutely adore Unicorns
Mermaids and fairies
I really like unicorns, my daughter likes fairies
Unicorns are my fave, so pretty and so magical – I wish they were real x
Dragons are my favourite mythical creature
I think we would make our own a mermaid with fairy wings and a unicorn horn…. she would be amazing!!
I love fairies
Fairies, they are so lovely!
My daughter and I both love unicorns.
It has to be fairies
Mermaids and elves
I like unicorns
Loch Ness Monster
love unicorns
I adore unicorns
Faries thanks to my mum who is still certain that they live in her garden.
For me it’s mermaids but my daughter loves fairies. She’s made her own fairy garden outside with lots of flowers which she’s been caring for herself. She’d just love this!
We all love unicorns
I love mermaids x
Unicorns and mermaids.
Has to be unicorns in this house – my daughter is OBSESSED!
Definitely unicorns and fairies in our house they always win over everything else
fairies- we have one living at the bottom of our garden which the grandchildren love.
I love ELVES…. mischief all around.
Unicorns x
Fairies and mermaids