Apr 302014

I still find it incredible that pregnancy makes you go off things that are not good for you and crave things that are.

When I was pregnant with Bob I went off tea and coffee. When the midwife told me the reason I was amazed at how clever pregnancy is!

Mine wasn’t so clever towards the end when the only thing that I could stomach was Crunchy Nut Cornflakes. I didn’t even make the connection that they might contain peanuts until I had been eating them for months!

I was stood at the checkout buying some when I wondered what nuts they contained. I looked and thought, ‘Oh dear!’ As I am asthmatic it was recommended that I avoided nuts. Luckily Bob doesn’t have a nut allergy. I would have felt very guilty for my Crunchy Nut addiction if she did.

I re-found my taste for tea very soon after Bob was born and I love having little tea parties! Even if I am the only one drinking tea, I love getting out my tea set!


For some reason I still struggle with coffee and Bob is nearly 3. Before I was pregnant I couldn’t get through the day without it! I sometimes struggle now but I don’t like instant coffee anymore. I thought that it might be psychological until I once drank from my husbands cup by mistake.

I am rekindling my love for ‘proper coffee’ and I have realised what I have been missing! I enjoy going to coffee shops and I am desperate for a coffee machine so I can have ‘proper coffee’ at home. I have been looking at Nespresso Coffee Machines and hinting heavily at my husband. It is nearly my birthday! 😉 I have also found some coffee by Caffee Cagliari that sounds lovely and it is Nespresso compatible!

Hopefully very soon I will be holding coffee and cake mornings. How exciting!

 Posted by Charlotte on April 30, 2014 Uncategorized  Add comments

  3 Responses to “Coffee Break”


    I bought my first tea pot the other day – I am so in love with it I have taken a picture to show everyone!


    Not yet, but I feel I will add it just for you! x

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