Apr 222013

As I have already mentioned we are in the midst of planning a clown party. Preparations are well under way and I have almost finished making the invitations. Watch this space.

I have found lots of games that we can play on the day. I am praying for nice weather as one of the things that I have bought is a parachute and I don’t think we will be able to play with it in the house. I have also bought some giant beach balls, pin the nose on the clown and an inflatable ball toss.


Bob and I invented a game a few months ago. When our dresser was delivered there was lots of giant bubble wrap. We had hours of fun running around on it. I even videoed some of our fun and I meant to put it together in one of my little montages but I never got around to it.

Whilst I was searching for ideas for games I came across some bubble mats! Maybe Bob and I didn’t invent this game after all.


I have been having so much fun finding fancy dress costumes for us to wear. Someone recommended that I looked at Fancy Dress Ball as they have some lovely items in the kids costume section. I don’t think they realised that we were all dressing up! šŸ˜‰ Below are some of my favourite outfits. There are too many to choose from!


I can’t wait to get our costumes! I thought that I was more excited than Bob about the party but now, when you ask her what she would like for her birthday (meaning a present) she answers, ‘Party!’ šŸ™‚

Partnered Post.

 Posted by Charlotte on April 22, 2013 Uncategorized  Add comments

  2 Responses to “Clowning Around”


    Sounds fab! Hope it all goes to plan. I could never convince my hubby to wear a costume! Party hat was difficult enough šŸ™‚

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