I had seen Cirque Du Soleil on television before and always thought they were fabulous. When I was asked if I would like to go and see Cirque Du Soleil Varekai Tales of The Forest at the Motorpoint Arena, Nottingham I was very excited! I had an idea of what to expect after seeing them on screen but I had no idea how amazing it would be in ‘real life’. 

Cirque Du Soleil transported us to the depths of the forest and to the bottom of the ocean in this outstanding show. The costumes were fantastic and they really helped to set the scene! 

The performance is based on the legend of Icarus. In an attempt to escape, his father makes wings for himself and his son. He warns his son not to fly too low as the sea will get his wings wet or too high as the sun will melt them. He ignores his father and flys too close to the sun. The wax on his wings melts and he is thrown into the ocean. 

The story starts with Icarus losing his wings and getting caught in a net. He is thrown through the air as he performs an amazing routine. At one point he soared through the air with only his neck in contact with the net! 

Throughout the show we were wowed with incredible performances, including unbelievable baton twirling, an amazing ariel strap display and a trapeze routine that left the audience in awe. 

The grand finale was out of this world! Using Russian Swings, acrobats were thrown through the air! They somersaulted into peoples arms, leapt into backdrops and even flew between the two swings. As several men propelled through the air at once I held my breath and wondered where on earth they were going to land! 

This amazing show has to be seen to be believed! It is showing in Nottingham until Saturday and in Glasgow next week. I highly recommend going to see it if you get the chance!

Disclaimer: We were given complimentary tickets to the show in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

 Posted by Charlotte on March 10, 2017 Reviews  Add comments

  26 Responses to “Cirque Du Soleil Varekai Review”


    Wow this looks amazing! I have seen the CdC Love show in Las Vegas and they is phenomenal – you don’t know where to look there is so much going on. What were you doing in Nottingham!? xx


      We were on our way to Windsor. Went to Legoland yesterday and going back tomorrow. Went via my in laws to drop off our dog. They are amazing! Hope you are all well! xx


    This is one thing I’d absolutely love to see on stage one day. I think it would be completely magical x


    We’ve seen Cirque Du Soleil before on the telly but would love to see it in the flesh! I bet its a wonderful show. Hopefully one day we will experience it x


    I would love to be able to see a Cirque Du Soleil show! The costumes are for this one are just stunningly gorgeous and it looks like such a fantastic show x


    This looks so so exciting 🙂


    This looks great. I’ve never seen Cirque Du Soleil x


    I always get so amazed by such performers but this is very intense and other level. I will love to see Cirque du soleil


    Oh my!! Seems like it was an awesome experience!


    Oh, I have never seen their performance personally but I’d really love to watch and see them perform upclose. Your so lucky to have the opportunity!


    I haven’t see the Cirque de Soleil in years but the performances are always just totally incredible x


    I haven’t managed to see it yet! I kick myself every time it comes and goes but I will one day!!!


    This is a great review. I’ve always wanted to go see a Cirque show but have always talked myself out of it. I am going to add this to my 2017 bucket list.


    I too have only ever seen the Cirque Du Soleil on tv! It sounds like it was as amazing as I imagined!


    I watched this this week too, isn’t it just incredible?! Glad you enjoyed it just as much as I did!



    I have never yet had the chance to go and see this in real life, have only caught bits on the tv, but it is something we would love to do one day x


    Wow it sounds like this was a spectacular performance. Those costumes look very pretty in the different colours. I’ve not seen this yet myself but would love to.


    It looks and sounds like a great performance!! I love that there was a proper story behind it too!!


    I wish I lived close to either of those location as I’d love to see this! x


    I’ve seen this show in Vegas and it was incredible! I am glad you enjoyed it so much!


    This sounds like an amazing show, I really want to see a Cirque show! xo


    i’m so sad that i had missed the showings near me. i still need to watch cirque du soleil


    oh wow! I a little bit jealous!! I would have loved to have gone and seen this. Love thing like this so much


    These photos are fab! I just know I would adore Cirque du Soleil, but it’s something I’ve never got round to seeing. Definitely adding it to my bucket list!
    Ashton xx


    I’ve seen cirque du soleil a couple of times and they are amazing!!! I love all the costumes and make up. They are simply mesmerising and so magical


    I’ve not yet seen Cirque du Soleil, but am always in awe of the costuming – it really is out of ths world.

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