Cuddledry Apron Towel Review

My husband is very wary when it comes to giving Bow a bath and he tries to avoid it at all costs. I think a big part of his fear is the juggling that comes with it. Bathing a slippery baby is hard enough but when it comes to getting them out of the bath whilst attempting to hold a towel under your chin it can be almost impossible. I tried to teach him how to do the towel dance [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on February 16, 2016 Reviews 8 Responses »
A Treat For The Mummies

We regularly review products but they are usually things for the family and mainly things for my babies. I love being able to spoil my little ones on a regular basis with exciting deliveries and treats throughout the year. When the postman arrives Bob gets very excited! Occasionally I am asked if I would like to review something for myself. This is such a treat as us mummies tend to get forgotten a lot of the time. I am so [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on January 25, 2016 Reviews 144 Responses »
A Tricky Photo Shoot

My mum has a beautiful canvas on her wall of Bob and my nephew. It was taken over 4 years ago at Bob’s christening. As she now has 3 grandchildren she mention how it would be nice to have one of all 3 of them. My sister and I decided to get her one for Christmas and we arranged to go over one day for a photo shoot. I got my camera ready and put it on the stairs with [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on January 18, 2016 Reviews 23 Responses »
Bringing A Newborn Baby Home

When the time came to leave the hospital I started to panic! I had wanted to go home since I arrived but now it was actually going to happen it seemed too overwhelming! The hospital was a safe environment with people around to help and support us. The outside world seemed like such a scary place! I don’t remember feeling like this after Bob was born. We were only in hospital for a short time though and when I left [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on January 11, 2016 Being a Mother, Reviews 31 Responses »
Long Sleeve Slumber Sac Review

When Bob was a baby I liked using baby sleeping bags. She had many different ones and they kept her warm and meant that I didn’t need to use any loose covers. I don’t think Bob had a quilt until she was about 2. I did used to wonder if her arms wold be warm enough in winter. I didn’t want to use a fleecy sleepsuit as I thought that would be too warn inside the sleep bag but a [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on January 8, 2016 Reviews No Responses »
Heartsease Farm Review

I did not have much to drink this Christmas and New Year as I was breast feeding. My health visitor has said that an odd drink is all right but if I do have a drink I prefer to give Bow a bottle. As it is touch and go whether he will take a bottle I usually end up only having half a shandy. I usually stick to Diet Coke or sparkling water but as it is the holiday season [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on January 5, 2016 Reviews 1 Response »
Dec 232015
Water Wipes Review

For the last couple of weeks we have been reviewing Water Wipes. I first heard about these about a year ago. My goddaughter had very sensitive skin and they are the only brand of wipes that my friend could use on her. I was interested to try them and see what they were like. Water wipes are chemical free and the moisture is 99.9% water. The other 0.1% is fruit extract. I have used a pure wipe before and I [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on December 23, 2015 Reviews 4 Responses »