Elsa's Ice Castle Review

Bob loves Frozen and she was delighted to receive the Disney Little Kingdom – Elsa’s Frozen Castle to review! It arrived when Bow and I were ill and it was the perfect treat for her! She was so grown up and very helpful when we were unwell and it was lovely to be able to spoil her. When she opened her surprise package she gasped! She was so excited and couldn’t wait to play with it! The play set comes [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on March 31, 2016 Reviews 9 Responses »
My Beautiful Bracelet

I love charm bracelets! I have a couple but they are modern versions. I like these but I love the classic versions. These seem more timeless somehow. When I was asked if I would like to review something from The Charmworks I knew that I would love a classic charm bracelet. It could be something that I could pass on to Bob when she is older. The Charmworks have a large variety of bracelets and I eventually decided on the [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on March 29, 2016 Reviews 8 Responses »
Beatrix Potter DVD Boxset Review & Giveaway

I love Beatrix Potter! I have most of her books and Bob and I have just started reading them together. Bob enjoys the new version of Peter Rabbit but this is a bit too modern for me. I much prefer the classics! I was very excited to hear that a collection of classic Beatrix Potter stories were being released on DVD. I couldn’t wait to share them with Bob and I hoped that she would love them as much as [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on March 23, 2016 Reviews 141 Responses »
Dr Brown's Bottles Review

If you have read my previous post you will know that we struggled to get Bow to take a bottle. I had been sent some Dr. Brown’s bottles, which my health visitor said were the best bottles to prevent colic, and I worried I would be unable to review them. Eventually, after trying many types of bottles and resorting to feeding Bow with my boob on his head, we managed to get him feeding from a bottle and fortunately it [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on March 18, 2016 Reviews 1 Response »
Mar 092016
My Name Tags Review

Bob needs much more school uniform than I anticipated. At the start of the school year I bought her 5 polo shirts (1 for each day), 3 pinafore dresses and 2 cardigans. I thought this would be plenty as our washing machine is on constantly. I then realised that Bob was very messy. Every day she comes home covered in paint, play dough, marker pen or her lunch. I tried to keep up with her but I soon realised that [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on March 9, 2016 Reviews No Responses »
Agi Bag Meadow Flyer Review

Bob has been reviewing the new Agi Bagi Meadow Flyer app. It is aimed at preschool children and, although Bob is in reception, she thought it was great! There are different levels where you get to explore Agi Bagi’s planet. Agi Bagi uses his magic to make exciting things happen. Throughout the levels children make things appear, grow, change and make sounds. On level one there is a bee that pops up from behind a flower. He buzzes but Bob [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on March 8, 2016 Reviews 1 Response »
A Valentine's Surprise

Two weeks ago I received a parcel. I had no idea what it could be as I couldn’t remember ordering anything. Inside was a lovely surprise delivery from the Co-operative. They had sent us a lovely Valentine’s hamper filled with goodies. They wanted us to enjoy breakfast in bed on Valentine’s Day as part of their #LoveAtFirstLight campaign. I love that hashtag! I tried to save everything that was in the box until Valentine’s Day but when Bob saw all [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on February 23, 2016 Reviews No Responses »