Lullaby Baby Album Review

Bow is a very needy sleeper. It is my fault as I enjoy cuddles too much. I don’t mind as he is my last baby so if he still needs cuddling to sleep when he is 18 that’s fine. He also likes to fight sleep. He can be exhausted but he will try his best to stay awake. When I was sent a new lullaby album to review I thought this might be the magic solution. The Lullaby Baby album [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on June 13, 2016 Reviews No Responses »
Dotty Fish Baby Shoes Review

I have had several obsessions since Bow came along. It started with baby carriers. Bow didn’t like his pram so I used to carry him around everywhere. I became obsessed with finding the perfect carrier. I was also addicted to buying baby hats, the cuter the better! I then had a thing for pushchair. How screamed in the original carrycot that I bought so I made it my mission to find one that he liked. Now that Bow has a [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on May 22, 2016 Reviews 1 Response »
Masha And The Bear DVD Review And Giveaway

Bob loves watching videos on You Tube. She tends to favour the ones that make things out of play doh or open surprise eggs. Every now and again she stumbles on something that she really enjoys. A couple of years ago she was engrossed in something that was in a foreign language. I went to see what she was watching and it was an adorable cartoon about a little girl and her friend, who happen to be a huge bear. [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on April 27, 2016 Reviews 49 Responses »
The Wonders Of Baby Wearing

When Bob was a baby I struggled to get anything done as she would scream whenever I put her down. I bought a cheap baby carrier so that I could do things whilst holding her but we didn’t get on very well with it. In it’s defence we didn’t give it much of a chance. There was no need as Bob was our only child and if she was in our arms then so be it. Now we are a [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on April 18, 2016 Being a Mother, Reviews 9 Responses »
New Super Heroes And A Fantastic Giveaway

My husband has tried to get Bob excited about Super Heroes on many occasions. She likes the idea of them but she always complains about the lack of girls and how there is not enough pink. Luckily there are some new Super Hero Girls on the block! Dc Entertainment’s latest animation series is about a group of Super Hero girls. There are so many different character and there is one that appeals to everyone! Bob loves Star Sapphire because of [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on April 15, 2016 Reviews 1 Response »
Pop Pop Piñata Review

Bob loves games and she is now at the age where she can follow rules. We no longer have to adapt rules for her or try to follow along with her completely made up version of a game. Remembering this makes me miss it but now that we can play games together properly it is much more fun! When I was asked if we would like to review the new Hasbro game Pop Pop Piñata (or Pop Pop Pigyata as [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on April 8, 2016 Reviews 9 Responses »
Mothercare Clothing Review

I can’t believe how quickly Bow is growing up! I know that children grow up quickly but time seems to be racing. He is half a year old already and he is just outgrowing all of his 3-6 month old clothing. When Mothercare asked if we would like to review some of their clothing range the timing was perfect! They have some lovely items and I eventually decided on a multipack of t shirts and trousers so that we could [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on April 6, 2016 Reviews 8 Responses »