Out & About With Mamia

We love the Mamia baby food range from Aldi. Bow was extremely fussy when I was weaning him and these were one of the only things I could get him to eat. I tried making my own food as that worked well with Bob but the only thing I could get Bow to eat was pear. I also tried baby led weaning but all the food either ended up on the floor or smushed into his high chair. Bow loved [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on October 10, 2016 Reviews No Responses »
Wetsuits & Water Fun

We have recently returned from a family holiday in Devon. We had a wonderful time and I have many photos to share with you. Watch this space. We were very lucky with the weather and it only rained on the day that we were leaving. I didn’t mind this as we were busy packing and it made it easier to leave our beautiful location. Whilst we were there we spent lots of time at the beach. I love how there [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on August 29, 2016 Reviews 27 Responses »
Smash Global Review & Giveaway

In our household we love Smash Global’s products! My husband is obsessed with their  lunch boxes and, even though we have a couple of them, the children and myself don’t get a look in. When Smash asked if we would like to review their new Back To School range of lunch bags I knew my family would love to. When Michael heard that I was working with them again he was very excited! Imagine his delight when the lovely people [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on August 11, 2016 Reviews 106 Responses »
Beautiful Dresses & Slippers

A girl can never have too many dresses! The same applies to shoes and handbags. 🙂 My wardrobe is severely lacking at the moment as my size has altered so much recently. I wish my wardrobe was full of gorgeous outfits perfect for every occasion but in reality it is full of mismatched items that no longer fit me. When House of Fraser asked if I would like to review one of their dresses I jumped at the chance. I [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on August 9, 2016 Reviews 18 Responses »
Aug 042016
Back To School

I can’t believe that Bob has finished her first year at school. It only seems like yesterday that I was walking her there for the first time. I left it very late to get Bob’s school things last year. I had no idea that places would sell out of things. She ended up having to have age 3 P.E shorts as there were none left in her size or the size above. I bought the small ones to keep her [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on August 4, 2016 Reviews 21 Responses »
Tiny Pop App Review & Giveaway

Bob loves Tiny Pop and she is obsessed with My Little Pony. When I was asked if she would like to review a new Tiny Pop app I knew she would love to! The app includes games, singalongs, catch up episodes and shorts featuring many of the Tiny Pop characters. There is also an artist’s pad where children can create masterpieces. Bob couldn’t wait to use the app! First she got to choose the characters that she would like to [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on August 1, 2016 Reviews 181 Responses »
Peter Rabbit - The Tale Of The Great Breakout DVD Review & Giveaway

Bob loves the new Peter Rabbit series and she was delighted to hear that there was a new DVD called Peter Rabbit – The Tale Of The Great Breakout. The DVD contains 6 episodes and Bob couldn’t wait to watch it. She was also excited to discover that the DVD came with a free height chart. Bob may love Peter Rabbit but she doesn’t love it half as much as her friend. He is obsessed with it and was only [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on June 13, 2016 Reviews 70 Responses »