Dec 022014
Seasons Greetings

Every year we send photo Christmas cards to our family and close friends. The photo is usually Bob dressed up in a Christmassy costume. Here are the photos we have used in the past. 1st Christmas 2nd Christmas 3rd Christmas I was planning to send a photo card this year but I hadn’t got around to organising anything. When I was contacted by Minted to ask if I would like to review some of there products their huge range of [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on December 2, 2014 Reviews 2 Responses »
Nov 262014
A Dog's Life

Many of you will have already ‘met’ Sally, the 4th member of our family. She regularly features on my blog so, when I was asked if I would like to review some pet products, I thought it would be nice for Sally to join in with our reviews. She is regularly in the background whilst we are reviewing products. She has clothes draped over her, toys thrown at her and very nearly got splattered in sparkly paint. This time the [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on November 26, 2014 Reviews 2 Responses »
Nov 212014
How Many Sleeps?

Bob and I love being creative. We also love Christmas! Who doesn’t? For the last few years I have had a little wooden advent train. I bought this before Bob came along and my husband and I used to fill up alternate days for each other. Now Bob is here it’s all hers. Last Christmas my train was a bit worse for wear. The funnel had broken off and the carriages kept coming unhooked. When Hobbycraft asked if we would [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on November 21, 2014 Reviews 1 Response »
Nov 192014
On The Fridge

I never thought that a fridge could cause this much excitement! At our old house our fridge was built into our kitchen and I always missed being able to stick things on it, especially since Bob started nursery. We always used to stick things on the fridge when I was growing up. This also continued into adulthood. My mum is a crossword genius so if my Dad or I ever managed to complete a crossword we would stick it on [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on November 19, 2014 Reviews 2 Responses »
Woodpic Review & Giveaway

I have taken far too many photos. My laptop is overloaded and even my harddrive is struggling. I wish that I could have more of them on display and I am always on the lookout for new and exciting ways to display them. When I heard about Woodpic’s way of putting your photos onto wood I was intrigued. I love wood! Our house os full of wooden furniture, wooden ornaments and random wooden boxes. The thought of having one of [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on November 17, 2014 Reviews 83 Responses »
Nov 102014
Let It Go

As many children are, Bob is obsessed with Frozen! She is constantly singing the songs from the film and she even gets me to duet with her. I have to be very careful to sing the right parts, otherwise I get told off. 😉 When Party Domain asked if we would like to review one of their fancy dress costumes I searched for Frozen themed outfits straight away. Bob has a box of fancy dress costumes but she doesn’t have [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on November 10, 2014 Reviews 10 Responses »
Penpals At Home Review

Bob’s writing is coming on really well! She can write her name and she can write Sally’s name with a little help. When I was asked if we would like to review the new Penpals At Home series from Cambridge University Press I was interested to see if Bob enjoyed them and the teacher in me was curious to see what they were like. The books are wipeable so they can be used over and over again. I found it [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on October 23, 2014 Reviews 3 Responses »