Fabyouless Card Review & Giveaway

When you are a mother you put yourself at the bottom of the list. ‘Me time’ is a distant memory! I rarely think about what I need and I don’t like spending money on myself! When I was contacted by Fabyouless asking if I would like to try out their new hair & beauty discount card, I realised that I hadn’t had my hair done in 6 months! I also realised what a mess it was! The thought of having [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on December 21, 2014 Reviews 2 Responses »
The Softest Robe In The Land

A gorgeous item arrived in the post this morning! The delivery was delayed as I put down the wrong address. When will I realise I’ve moved! As soon as I saw the item I knew I had to get this post published today as the little people in your life need one of these this Christmas! Bob loved unwrapping her delivery. It was beautifully packaged! Inside the box was a reindeer robe! It had antlers (or ankles as Bob calls [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on December 19, 2014 Photo Shoots, Reviews 1 Response »
Dec 182014
Christmas Gifts

For the last couple of years I have tried to secretly arrange Christmas. I haven’t let Bob see one present being wrapped and they all would magically appear on the big day. This was very hard work! Then on the day I worried Bob would be confused as adults were exchanging gifts and thanking each other. Bob has become so inquisitive that I knew she would question this now she is more aware. She has already started questioning whether or [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on December 18, 2014 Reviews 2 Responses »
The Book Of Everyone

I never know what to buy Michael for Christmas! His birthday is at the end of November and any ideas that I have are used for birthday presents. I try and get some ideas from him and sometimes just ask him outright what he would like but he can never think of anything. How on earth am I supposed to think of anything then! When I was contacted by The Book Of Everyone asking if I would like to review [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on December 16, 2014 Reviews 1 Response »
Dec 102014
Ready For Winter

I can’t believe how cold it has turned and how quickly! I know I shouldn’t complain as we have been very lucky with the weather. We had some glorious sunny days in November. These icy winds are a shock to my system though. As a family we enjoy spending time outdoors and Sally wouldn’t let us stay inside. She needs her walks! This weather makes it harder to find our get up and go. Luckily Mountain Warehouse have kitted us [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on December 10, 2014 Reviews 1 Response »
Dec 062014
The Little Details

I don’t think it will be long before Bob will be writing her own reviews. I’m am looking forward to the day when I can pass her a parcel, tell her to review it and sit and observe whilst drinking tea. 🙂 She already does a lot of the work. She is obviously much better at playing with the toys than I am and she has a better idea of what children like. Now she also takes photographs! The other [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on December 6, 2014 Reviews 1 Response »
Dec 032014
Heart Canvas Review

I have made several photo canvases online, some with one photo and some with a few but I didn’t realise that there were multi photo shape canvases out there! I don’t think that you can have too many photos on display and canvases are a nice way of doing this. I take so many photos that it is impossible to display them all but a multi photo canvas means that I can look at a lot more of them. Atrium [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on December 3, 2014 Reviews 2 Responses »