Lost My Name Book Review

I heard about the Lost My Name book recently. My friend had her daughter christened and she ended up receiving 3 copies of this wonderful book. I don’t think this book was around when Bob was a baby, otherwise I am sure I would have heard of it. The book follows a child who has lost their name in their journey to find it. On their way they meet various things that start with a letter of their name. When [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on March 30, 2015 Reviews 5 Responses »
Mar 292015
Holy Guacamole

I have been loving the first glimpses of summer. I have even retired my Ugg boots until next winter, this is how much faith I have in our weather! I doubt my decision some mornings when it is quite frosty but by 11am my faith is restored. Our house that we are living in at the moment doesn’t have a garden and it is also quite a strange layout, which wouldn’t be very practical with a baby on the way. [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on March 29, 2015 Reviews 2 Responses »
Sooty ABC Review & Giveaway

About a year ago my mum found an old Sooty DVD on a car boot sale. Although the DVD was modern the show was from the 70’s. Bob absolutely loved it and watched it over and over again. It was filmed in a school and Matthew stood in front of the children with a little box and the puppets. It was very simple but Bob was obsessed with it. It was very dated and not very politically correct. At one [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on March 3, 2015 Reviews 58 Responses »
Feb 252015
The Rainforest Cafe

Whilst we were visiting friends in London we went to the Rainforest Cafe at Piccadilly Circus. I have been to the Rainforest Cafe at Disneyland Paris before but I have never been to the one in London. I knew it would be similar though and I knew Bob would love it! As soon as we walked down the stairs into the cafe Bob’s little face lit up! She was amazed! There were several little light shows on the floor of [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on February 25, 2015 Activities, Reviews 1 Response »
Imprify Photo Book Review

Mobile phones have improved so much over the last few years! There used to be a huge difference in the photos that I took with my phone and the ones that I could capture with my camera but now the difference isn’t as great. I still adore my camera and would always use it for a planned photo shoot or a special occasion but for days out I regularly rely on my phone. I also love how you can share [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on January 16, 2015 Reviews 2 Responses »
In Case Of Emergencies

We have a first aid kit under the sink but it is not very practical. It is a shabby chic style tin containing a selection of tablets that we no longer need. I often buy plasters to put in it but as soon as Bob sees them she ‘needs’ to borrow them to make her dolls better. Needless to say the plasters are not in the tin for very long. When I was asked if we would like to review [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on January 7, 2015 Reviews 3 Responses »
Dec 312014
Christmas Cleaning

My husband has a new toy and I love it! We were invited to share our Christmas cleaning plans with Vax. We used a VAX Dual Power Carpet Cleaner to help us to make our home sparkle for Christmas. When it arrived I left it in it’s box in the kitchen until I had time to use it. One day I was sat doing some work when my husband walked in with it. He seemed very pleased with himself as [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on December 31, 2014 Reviews 3 Responses »