A Car Seat That Can Lie Flat!

When Bob was a baby we lived over 2 hours away from my family and friends. We used to go and visit them and it used to take forever as I would insist on stopping at regular intervals and getting her out of her car seat. I was paranoid about her spine. I had heard and read so many things about how babies shouldn’t be in a car seat for more than 2 hours as their spine is in the [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on September 7, 2015 Reviews 29 Responses »
CBeebies All Stars DVD Review & Giveaway

Bob loves CBeebies! Imagine her excitement when she was asked to review the new Cbeebies All Stars DVD! She has many DVDs but most of them are of one programme. She enjoys these but the All Stars DVD has much more choice. She has enjoyed learning how to select which programme she wants to watch from the menu. She also enjoys watching the DVD from start to finish as, although she has her favourites, she likes all of the episodes [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on September 7, 2015 Reviews 117 Responses »
Homemade Famous Biscuits

I have seen homemade famous biscuits in coffee shops before now and always thought they looked amazing! By homemade famous biscuits I mean the classic biscuits that have been bought for generations but a homemade version. Bob and I love baking so when we were asked if we would liked to review the Dexham Classic British Biscuit Cutters I was very excited! The cutters come in a box of 4 and they can be used to make custard creams, jammy [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on September 1, 2015 Reviews 9 Responses »
Aug 282015
A Higgidy Picnic

I have heard of higgidy pies before but I haven’t tried them. When we were asked if we would like to sample some of their products and see how suitable they are for picnics I looked forward to trying them. The supermarkets in my local town didn’t stock them but after looking on their website I found a stockist nearby. Bob and I went to buy a selection of their pies and quiches and we planned to go on a [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on August 28, 2015 Reviews 1 Response »
Aug 272015
Nude Food Review

We worked with Nude Food last year and we are still using the products that they sent. They are great as there is no need for extra packaging. Bob’s nursery prided itself on being an Eco school. When they went on a school trip they set is the challenge of packing an Eco lunch. They asked if we could use reusable or biodegradable packaging. The nude food containers were perfect! When they asked if we would like to work together [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on August 27, 2015 Reviews No Responses »
Oskar & Ellen Castle Play Set Review

I love Oskar & Ellen products! We have the picnic set and the afternoon tea set which I bought to use at Bob’s 1st birthday party. We had a teddy bears picnic. 🙂 these sets are still getting played with over 3 years later. I didn’t realise the variety of play sets that Oskar & Ellen sold. They sell lots of lovely things including small world sets. There are so many and they all look gorgeous! In the end I [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on August 24, 2015 Reviews 1 Response »
Deep Freeze Cool Patch - Relief In Pregnancy

I may not be the most athletic of people but I do enjoy light exercise. I love taking Sally on a walk and I enjoy walking around the shops too. 🙂 I used to go to a local yoga class but when I found out that I was pregnant I stopped going. I tried to find a pregnancy yoga in my area but they were all quite far away. Fortunately, having a 4 year old keeps me on my toes [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on August 20, 2015 Reviews 3 Responses »