Twirlywoos DVD Review & Giveaway

Bob loves the Twirlywoos! When we reviewed the CBeebies All Stars DVD the Twirlywoos episodes were her favourites. I thought it may be a bit young for her as it is aimed at preschoolers but she loves it! When we were asked if we would like to review a copy of their new DVD Twirlywoos – There’s Somebody At The Door I knew that Bob would love to! The DVD comes with a free poster with activities on the back. [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on October 14, 2015 Reviews 117 Responses »
Blackpool Tower Circus

A few weeks ago we had a fun filled day in Blackpool with my parents and my nephew. My parents now live in Blackpool so we visit often but we rarely have this much fun! We each had a Blackpool Big Ticket which allows you to exerience 7 attractions. The Circus, Jungle Jims, Blackpool Tower Ballroom, Blackpool Eye, The Dungeons, Madame Tussaud’s and the Sealife Centre. I was most looking forward to the circus. I have been to a travelling [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on October 9, 2015 Reviews 2 Responses »
Marvel Kids Online Games Review

When we were asked if we would like to review some online games from Marvel Kids I thought that Bob would love them. She has an old phone of mine and she is constantly asking me to add new apps and games to it. I showed her the games but they just weren’t pink and princess filled enough. Yes they were super heroes but there was a super hero girl so I thought she would enjoy them. I was just [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on October 8, 2015 Reviews 1 Response »
The Furchester Hotel DVD Review & Giveaway

I love The Furchester Hotel! Oops, sorry! I mean Bob loves The Furchester Hotel! 🙂 I love how Sesame Street characters have made a come back and I love the songs. I can regularly be found singing the theme tune. When I was asked if we would like to review a copy of the new The Furchester Hotel – Welcome To The Furchester Hotel DVD I couldn’t wait! Bob was pretty excited about it too. 🙂 When the DVD arrived [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on October 6, 2015 Reviews 123 Responses »
Snugrugs Sheepskin Boots Review

I am quite excited about winter this year. I enjoy summer but I also love winter. It is a time for snuggling under blankets, building snowmen (hopefully), and wearing sheepskins boots. I love sheepskin boots and I cry every April when the time comes to put them away for a few months. I have several pairs and I tend to favour a well known brand. The problem with these is that they are unbelievably expensive! My husband has banned me [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on September 21, 2015 Reviews 23 Responses »
Sep 102015
Tiny Dancer

Bob has been going to ballet lessons since January and she loves it! She has already moved up 2 classes and when her lessons start again in the summer she will be in a class that will take part in the dance shows. She cannot wait! She has been asking if she can go to tap lessons for several months. I told her if she continued with her ballet lessons and still enjoyed them that she could also start tap [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on September 10, 2015 Reviews 1 Response »
Petit Fernand Personalised Labels Review & Giveaway

My baby girl starts school tomorrow! I have been seeing lovely photos of children going to school on social media over the past week and it still hasn’t sunk in that my baby girl will be one of them on Wednesday. We have bought her uniform and we were asked to review some name labels from Petit Fernand. These seemed perfect! I started browsing Petit Fernand’s site and wondered what I should spend my voucher on. I almost bought a [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on September 8, 2015 Reviews 76 Responses »