Nov 112015
Internet On Legs

The Internet is such a huge part of everyday life. Not only does my work and my social life mainly revolve around it, it is also a lovely sense of security. If I am driving and I get lost I know that 3G and Siri will help me find my way. It is nice to be without it occasionally. On our holiday to Majorca I didn’t have internet for a whole week and it was quite refreshing. Usually though, when [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on November 11, 2015 Reviews 2 Responses »
Caboodle Changing Bag Review

When Bob was a baby I had a slight obsession with changing bags. Bow is only 5 weeks old and I already have 2. I think it may be starting again. There are so many lovely bags out there with many different features. How can I be expected to have just 1. 🙂 I was recently been asked if I would like to review a Caboodle changing bag. I was familiar with these bags as I almost bought one just [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on November 6, 2015 Reviews 9 Responses »
Milkshake Fantastic Fun Review & Giveaway

Bob is a huge fan of many of the Milkshake characters! Peppa Pig has been a firm fvourite for years. I keep hoping that she will grow out of Peppa Pig soon but it doesn’t seem to be happening. At the moment she loves Paw Patrol. Her daddy is very pleased about this as he loves it too! She also enjoys Ben & Holly’s Little Kingdom and she can’t get enough of Dora & Friends. She sounds like such a [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on October 29, 2015 Reviews 129 Responses »
The Super Incredible Big Sister

I was worried about how Bob would react when her baby brother came along. It has been just the 3 of us for so long and she has had all the attention. I wanted to make the transition as easy as possible for her. I kept talking to her about how wonderful having a baby brother would be and how she would make an amazing big sister! I made her feel very grown up and special. I wanted to get [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on October 20, 2015 Reviews No Responses »
Oct 192015
Finding A Pushchair

In case you didn’t see my first post about the Kiddy Evo Lunafix car seat and it’s amazing lie flat capabilities here it is. As I knew that I was getting an Evo Lunafix I based my choice of pushchair on this. The Evo Lunafix fits on a Maxi Cosi chassis so it is compatible with many pushchairs. I love old fashioned looking prams, I am not a fan of the modern contraptions that look a bit like spaceships. The [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on October 19, 2015 Reviews 17 Responses »
Ewan The Dream Sheep Review

As regular readers of my blog may know, my daughter is not the best sleeper. When she was born she wanted feeding every half an hour and, even when she was fast asleep, if you put her in her Moses basket she would immediately wake up and scream. I expressed my concerns to my midwife and she said she would come and help. She spent 2 hours trying every trick in the book. She even rolled up a towel and [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on October 16, 2015 Reviews 3 Responses »
Oct 152015
A Taste Of Autumn

We were recently invited to try the new Autumn menu at Brewers Fayre. We love Brewers Fayre and regularly visit our local one. Throughout my pregnancy I became obsessed with the corn dogs that they serve on Wednesday night’s Chef Counter. Visiting Brewers Fayre is always a relaxed evening out as Bob loves the play area which gives us time to think. I was not sure what it would be like this time with our new addition but luckily he [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on October 15, 2015 Reviews 10 Responses »