Mummy guilt is the worst feeling ever! Before Bow came along I didn’t experience this feeling very often. We gave Bob everything we could and always did what was best for her. Now I have two babies it is impossible to always do the best for both of them. Last week Bob was excited to go and see the lights being switched on in our village. Father Christmas was going to be there and she had been looking forward to it. [click here to read on]
I am so proud of my baby girl! She has only been at school for half a term and she has learnt so much! She already knew a few of her letters as we have done some activities together but she is now racing through her letters and sounds. Last week Bob wrote her letter to Father Christmas. Early I know but she was driving me mad about it so I let her. She sounded out some of the words [click here to read on]
Dear Bob, You have wanted a baby brother or sister for a long time. I took a little more persuading than you did but fortunately I am now happy with the idea. Very soon our world will change. You will no longer be my only child. I will be a mummy of 2 and you will be a big sister! Later today I am going into hospital to have your baby brother. Again you are more excited about this prospect [click here to read on]
Today you started Primary School. This is such a big milestone in your life! I couldn’t help thinking how small you looked when you put on your uniform! This wasn’t helped by the fact that your age 4 pinafore dress looked so big on you! You must have been keen to go to school as you awoke at 4am. Luckily you went back to sleep for 2 hours, otherwise I am not sure you would have made it through the [click here to read on]
Even before Bob got to meet her, Lola Ladybird was her hero. I don’t know if it is because she was a ladybird or because she sounded so wonderful. Bob talked about her constantly and everyday she asked if today was the day we would meet her. Lola’s activity was on Thursday so Bob had to wait a few days. We went to meet her at the Treehouse adventure playground. This is an exciting playground in the village square. Bob [click here to read on]
I know that Bob has just had a birthday but she literally seems to have grown up overnight. Her Grandparents looked after her whilst we escaped for the evening and they couldn’t believe how much she had changed. She still has her moments, of course, but she really has grown into a wonderful little girl! I have always enjoyed spending time with her but now I love it even more. Now, as well as being my daughter, she is also [click here to read on]