How To Get A Breastfed Baby To Take A Bottle.

When Bob was born I was very self conscious and I wouldn’t breastfeed when we were out and about. I expressed from the beginning and gave her breast milk in a bottle when I wasn’t at home. This meant that I never had a problem getting her to take a bottle but it did mean that I ended up having problems with my flow. I think I started expressing too early which meant my flow became too fast. Eventually I [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on March 17, 2016 Baby Development, Being a Mother 7 Responses »
Mar 142016
2 Months Old

I can’t believe how much you have changed in such a short amount of time! You are already a little chatter box and you are always smiling! Until I get out the camera. Every time I tried to take your photograph you looked like a rabbit that had been caught in the headlights. You are definitely a mummy’s boy! I remember your sister liked to be held but she wasn’t fussy about who she was with. You love mummy cuddles [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on March 14, 2016 Being a Mother 2 Responses »
Feb 102016
Brand New

Bow is now 4 months old but I am playing catch up as I’ve only just finished my Pregnancy Diaries. I had forgotten how small newborn babies were. Now Bow has joined our family I am amazed at how tiny he is. I am also surprised at how much Bob has grown up since he arrived. I am not sure if it is because we are comparing her to Bow or if she has stepped into her role of big [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on February 10, 2016 Baby Development, Being a Mother 9 Responses »
How Not To Change A Baby Boy's Nappy

Before I had a newborn baby boy I would have thought that changing their nappy would be easier than changing a newborn baby girl’s. I was wrong! I have changed older baby boy’s nappies before and I am already aware to watch out for sprinkles as the cold air hits. I was prepared for this but it has yet to happen. Maybe this is something they learn with experience. I wasn’t aware however of how many nooks, crannies and wrinkly [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on February 5, 2016 Being a Mother 15 Responses »
Bringing A Newborn Baby Home

When the time came to leave the hospital I started to panic! I had wanted to go home since I arrived but now it was actually going to happen it seemed too overwhelming! The hospital was a safe environment with people around to help and support us. The outside world seemed like such a scary place! I don’t remember feeling like this after Bob was born. We were only in hospital for a short time though and when I left [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on January 11, 2016 Being a Mother, Reviews 31 Responses »
Jan 052016
A Sneaky Break

I hadn’t intended to take a long break over the holidays. I knew that I wouldn’t post anything on Christmas Day and Boxing Day but other than that I hadn’t given it much thought. Somehow I have accidentally taken 11 days off and it’s been wonderful! I have loved spending time with my little family! I have been enjoying the moments and not grabbing my camera and thinking about my next blog post. Don’t get me wrong, I love my [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on January 5, 2016 Being a Mother 31 Responses »
Dec 242015
Teething Too Early

Bow is teething already! I have had my suspicions for a few weeks. His fists were constantly in his month and he was drooling. I kept saying to Michael that I thought he might be teething but I thought I must be mistaken as he was far too young. When we went for his first set of immunisations at the beginning of December the nurse gave him the oral one first. When she look in his mouth she seemed shocked [click here to read on]

 Posted by Charlotte on December 24, 2015 Being a Mother 1 Response »