Feb 032014

It is so cold! I know that I shouldn’t complain as we have had a mild winter but I’m freezing! I go to bed in pyjamas, a hoodie and a dressing gown and I regularly steal Bob’s Peppa Pig slanket.


Bob hates keeping her covers on and kicks them off at the earliest opportunity. I wrap her up warm for bed as I am aware she does this but I still worry about her being cold.


Getting out of bed in a morning isn’t much fun either. I struggle to get going at the best of times but when it is cold I don’t want to leave my bed! We have a timer on our heating but I don’t trust it. It is supposed to come on 1 hour before we get up but it seems to have a mind of it’s own.

Getting ready in a morning is so much harder when it is cold! I struggle to get dressed when I refuse to take my dressing gown off! Bob doesn’t seems to be bothered by the cold as much as I am. I have to talk her in to getting dressed as she has run off in just her nappy. Her legs can feel cold to the touch but she doesn’t seem to mind. Brrr!

I also hate arriving home to a cold house! We have just been to Centre Parcs for a lovely relaxing break and when we got home it took us a while to warm the house up. I have often wished that I could ring my house and tell it to put the heating on.

Now I can ring the heating itself! 😉 Not quite but there is now an invention from Hive that lets you control your heating from your smart phone. This would mean that my house would be warm and toasty when I arrived home. I could also lie in bed and tell my heating to come on. I would then have an excuse to press the snooze button until it got warmer. 😉

I love this video about this new invention! Wish I could take the credit for it but I think that has to go to British Gas. 🙂

Now I just need to find a way to control the weather. That would be amazing!


 Posted by Charlotte on February 3, 2014 Uncategorized  Add comments

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