When I stopped breastfeeding Bob (see To B Or Not To B?) and I thought that my breasts had settled down, I went to be measured for some new bras. When the lady told me my size, I could not believe it! I had gone up 3 cup sizes!!! I asked her if she thought that they would stay this way and she said that her Mum’s were still big after having her and she was 22. I purchased some new giant bras and left the shop feeling like Jordan!
A few months later and I am deflated! Not metaphorically, literally! My giant boobs are back to their original size. A size that I felt quite happy with before big boobs now seems small! On the plus side it means that I can zip up dresses that I thought that I would never be able to wear again. I suppose this is something.
Now I need my tummy to shrink back to it’s original size to restore the balance but there seems to be too much chocolate in the world at the moment. Even my looming holiday isn’t enough motivation for me to put down the Dairy Milk! If anyone knows a way of loosing weight whilst eating chocolate, please let me know!
Funnily enough mine stayed the same even when I lost my baby weight and now being pregnant again are even bigger. Husband is delighted. I need to go shopping.
Wow! I bet you are very popular! :0) Wish mine had stayed!
Hopefully they will find a miracle cure! Within the next two weeks would be good! ;0) x
It’s really not fair is it? Thanks for making me laugh though!
Nope! ;0) You’re welcome! x