Have you ever found yourself completely immersed playing with a kids toy when visiting a friend with children or when your own are out of the house? Have you ever walked round toy stores looking for a gift for your nephew and stopped at a few aisles on the way to look at things you then considered buying for yourself?
You’re not alone. Just because you’re a ‘grown up’ doesn’t mean you don’t want to enjoy the ‘childish’ things every once in a while. Apparently the current generation of adults are all looking to return to the simplicity of childhood, probably to forget about the cost of the gas bill this past winter and that they have to mow the front lawn at the weekend otherwise Nigel from next door will moan that the dandelion seeds are spreading to his flower beds (everyone has a Nigel on their street.)
Colouring books are one of the main ways in which adults are currently getting their youthful fix but there are plenty of other kids’ toys out there that you can enjoy for yourself.
First, forget about Nigel and the weeds this weekend and pick up a trampoline for the back garden. Every kid wants a huge trampoline for his or her birthday but adults get just as much enjoyment out of them. Pop a 6ft one in your garden and spend your Sunday afternoon perfecting that seat drop, you’ll also be burning lots of calories, so it’s a win-win situation really – oh, and if you jump high enough you can nose into other people’s houses.
Have you ever looked in the kids’ clothing section while searching for a child’s birthday gift and found printed t-shirts that you would wear yourself, if you could suck your gut in far enough and contort yourself into a six year old sized shirt? Just click here and marvel at the great stuff they get to wear. Adults don’t get Angry Birds Star Wars t-shirts do they? It’s not right and it’s not fair, but sites such as Truffle Shuffle are helping ease the pain a little.
Heard of Zorb football? Want to have a go yourself but in your own back garden after a bottle of wine and once the kids are in bed? Then pick up some inflatable Belly Bump Balls and get bouncing off your friends. They claim to improve your balance, fitness, cooperative play and coordination skills but we all know you want to wear them just so you can knock your sister down at the family BBQ.
When it comes to being an adult it’s important that you take a step back every once in a while, when you next go shopping for a child’s birthday present always be sure to pick a little something up for yourself – even if it’s just a yo-yo. Those things used to keep you entertained for hours.