Collaborative Guest Post.

When a child performs well in his or her studies or wins a medal in some competition then everyone praises the child! It’s true that it is the effort of the child that makes him or her successful but not many realize that there is equal contribution from the mother as well.

It is because of a mother’s proper care and upbringing that kids shine in their lives. From breakfast to homework, there is no such aspect where a mom does not give her very best.

Motherhood is a long chapter in a woman’s life where it begins with giving birth to her child and then continues with raising her child in the right environment.

From dawn to dusk, a mother has to carry out endless roles to look after the well being of her family and little one. The going gets more challenging when she is a working woman too.

I being a mother to a three year old daughter and a full time working lady, would confess without a second thought that yes it’s the toughest job on earth to carry out the responsibilities as a wife, mom and a worker.

Needless to say, my life is super hectic and surely give me the jitter of nerves at times! But what keeps me going in spite of going through my tough schedules everyday is a happy smile on my kid’s face.

Nothing beats the feeling of seeing your child doing well or keeping happy because of your proper nurture and care. I also make it a point to play with my daughter any game of her choice in my free time every day to laugh out loud together and sense that ultimate happiness!

 Posted by Charlotte on June 10, 2016 Uncategorized  Add comments

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