Nov 242014

Relaxing seems like hard work since Bob came along! She will only sit and watch children’s television, which I find very difficult to relax to, and I can’t remember the last time I sat and read a book that didn’t rhyme or start with, ‘Once upon a time…’

I tried to do a Yoga DVD but my first attempt involved Bob rolling a wind up caterpillar over my head and my second saw her trying to stick a Christmas cracker hat up my bum.

I also tried meditation. At first Bob seemed to be enjoying this but she got bored after a few minutes.

When we moved to our new village I found out that they held an Iyengar Yoga classes at the village hall on a Tuesday night. It is after 7 when Bob goes to bed so I didn’t feel guilty about leaving Michael every week and I couldn’t wait to start taking the class.

I have been twice now and I love it! I can’t walk for 3 days after but I am sure the stiffness will improve over time. I love the class and I also love being able to escape and not worry about mummy worries for an hour and a half.

I am not usually one for giving tips on my blog as I can’t why people would want my advice. I tend to just write about our own experiences and people can take from it what they will. As this post is my entry into the Art Spas Says Relax competition I have to make a guide offering my hints and tips on how to relax/unwind whilst leading a busy life.

Here are my top 5 tips.

Grab 5 Whenever Possible
If your children are entertained sit down and breath. I know the washing needs doing and the bath needs cleaning but that can be done whilst they are being loud and annoying! Why spoil the rare quite moments with household chores. Just sit, preferably with a cup of tea, and breath! I have learnt a great breathing technique. You breath in to the count of 4, hold it for 6 and breath out for 8. It really helps you to relax!


Take An Exercise Class Or Join A Craft/Hobby Group
I have many hobbies but I rarely get chance to do them. I used to take weekly guitar lessons where we used to live and it was lovely to get out of the house even though it was just a 30 minute lesson. I would love to start guitar lessons here too but my husbands hours change so I am not sure that I could commit. My Yoga is a great break though.


Relax When The Kids Are In Bed.
As regular readers of my blog will know, Bob isn’t the best sleeper. We have struggled with her sleep patterns since she was born and we rarely got an hour to ourselves in the evenings. Now she goes to sleep all by herself and we get a few blissful child free hours each evening. It is tempting to do work or jobs around the house but an hour in front of the television watching your favourite shows or reading your favourite book makes you much more relaxed. Especially when it is accompanied by more tea!


Get Outside
Taking a walk is a great way to blow the cobwebs away. Even if you are joined by your kiddiwinks getting outdoors is a great way to relax. Children seem less crazy and quieter when they are surrounded by the great outdoors.


Eat Cake
If all else fails, eat cake! It’s yummy, full of sugar and it will make everything seem better!


This post is my entry into the Art Spas Says Relax competition.

 Posted by Charlotte on November 24, 2014 Uncategorized  Add comments

  2 Responses to “…And Relax!”


    Woo hoo I can now just spend my evening drinking cake and eating tea as you have told me too ;0)

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