My mum has a beautiful canvas on her wall of Bob and my nephew. It was taken over 4 years ago at Bob’s christening. As she now has 3 grandchildren she mention how it would be nice to have one of all 3 of them.

My sister and I decided to get her one for Christmas and we arranged to go over one day for a photo shoot. I got my camera ready and put it on the stairs with my big fluffy blanket.

We got to my sisters and she looked confused. She looked around at everything we had brought with us. ‘Did you bring your camera?’ She asked. In my sleep deprived, baby brain haze I had left my camera and the blanket on the stairs.

As we wouldn’t have a chance to get the children together again before Christmas I had to use my phone. Getting a good photo was a challenge! I took so many but in most of the photos someone was looking away, Bow had his hand in front of his face or one of them had their eyes closed. Eventually we gave up and hoped we had a photo that was good enough.

I was planning to import the photos to my laptop to edit them and decide which one I could use but I was contacted by Imprify to see if I would like to work with them again. I reviewed one of their photo books last year.

The great thing about Imprify is that you can order photo products from your phone! You just upload your photos to their app and choose which products you would like to order. Imprify have added magnets, wall art and photo prints to their product range. I could now make mum’s Christmas present straight from my iPhone!

As I struggled to get a photo with all of the children looking at the camera I decided to make a collage wall art. This meant that everyone should look nice on at least one photo. When I had chosen the photos I added a sepia effect to them. I then arranged the wall art. I knew that my mum would love it! Here are the photos that I used.

a present for grandma

hello grandma



In my baby brain haze I didn’t read the product description and I thought that I had ordered a canvas. When it arrived it was a wonderful surprise! The photos were printed on a wooden panel. It was lovely! Much nicer than a canvas!

wooden panel wall art

We gave it to my mum on Boxing Day when my sister was with us and she loved it! It is now hanging in pride of place in her home.

Imprify have given me a discount code to share with you. Just enter DB3769 to get 20% off any products. The code is valid until the 1st June 2016.

You can download the Imprify App here.

Disclaimer: I was sent the wall art for free in exchange for this post. All photographs and opinions are my own.

 Posted by Charlotte on January 18, 2016 Reviews  Add comments

  23 Responses to “A Tricky Photo Shoot”


    The photos turned out fabulous and I love the idea of wooden panels instead of canvas x


    I love companies like that. It’s such a greta way to actually make use of the pictures on your phone or that you take with a camera!


    What a lovely present idea, the photos look really nice.


    Beautiful photos! Reminds me that I need to get some ordered for my mum too. Never heard of Imprify before – will give them a try – thanks for the code! x


    Beautiful kids you have. I bet the pictures would come out very nice.


    Aw this is beautiful a precious way of cementing your special memories xxx


    Aw you’re got three little cuties there! A great idea for photographs!


    Awwwww they are so cute! I have so many photos on my phone I need to do something with them.
    This looks like the perfect idea. Their photo books looks awesome
    Thanks for sharing hun.
    Charlotte x


    Such a lovely idea! I also love the youngest’s face in all four photos xD


    These photos are just so lovely x


    I really like this idea, I like to use those apps where you can print off polaroids and get them sent to you! So much cheaper than buying an polaroid camera yourself and great for the fridge too!


    What gorgeous photos they are and a fabulous gift idea!


    absolutley love the photo of them laying down, will have to try that angle myself


    aw what amazing pictures the older kids look so happy with their little sibling


    Awwwh, those photos are all so cute and such lovely memories for you to keep.


    That is such a beautiful canvass, I am so impressed they are all looking at the camera x


    Sounds like an interesting app! Will check it out, thanks 🙂


    Aw what lovely photos. The app sounds good, will check it out!


    Ah what gorgeous photos and what a brilliant gift idea!

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