We had planned to go to soft play one afternoon. Bob was refusing to have a nap and I knew that if she didn’t sleep she would be very grumpy when we got there. I wondered about setting off early and driving around for a while. (This is the only sure fire way to make her sleep.) My husband suggested that I set off, wait until Bob had fallen asleep and then find somewhere to pull over and read a book.

I liked this idea! I couldn’t remember the last time that I had got to read a book. At home, if Bob falls asleep, I use the time to run around like an idiot catching up on daily chores. The idea of half an hour with nothing to do other than read seemed very appealing!

We set off and within 10 minutes Bob was asleep. I found a picturesque location, pulled over at the side of the lake and picked up my book. It was wonderful!

After 15 minutes (the most relaxing 15 minutes that I have spent since Bob was born) she woke up. I started to drive and the motion of the car sent her back to sleep. As soon as I knew that she had settled I pulled over. I didn’t waste any time finding a beautiful spot, I had got a taste of me time and I wanted more.

After another 5 minutes Bob started to stir again and I knew that I was pushing my luck so I drove to soft play.

It may not seem like a lot of time but it felt like it! It was lovely to not feel guilty about doing nothing. To have no distractions!

I am worried that I have awakened a craving for me time! If you see a car looking dodgy at the side of the road, don’t worry! Bob has just fallen asleep! 😉

 Posted by Charlotte on July 12, 2012 Being a Mother  Add comments

  7 Responses to “A Sneaky Bit Of Me Time”


    You deserve it Charlotte! The more relaxed you are – an even better Mum you are! xx


    Hi Charlotte,
    Now that’s a guilty pleasure I share often, although its normally post soft play, and generally in the less auspicious surroundings of a B&Q carpark with a drive-thru Starbucks.

    I’ve even been known to make this nap time a shared activity although the last time we did this a sudden clatter of shopping trolleys startled us all awake but startled the poor trolley collector far more!


    I wish I’d worked it out sooner!!! :0) x


    I enjoy peace while gemma sleeps after swimming in the car. I keep meaning to bring a book but spend time on twitter and facebook instead.
    Usually stopped outside the flat,my neighbours must think I am a nutter.
    Drive thru coffee would be great,wish we had them here.

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