Jun 102015

When my nephew came to visit at the weekend we had a little tea party as it was his birthday on the 3rd of June. He is now a teenager!


Bob chose a balloon and a cake for him (a caterpillar cake, which I was very pleased about) and we put together a little tea party for when he arrived.


Bahlsen sent us some biscuits to make out tea party even more special. They sent 5 varieties; white, dark, milk, caramel & chocolate orange.


The biscuits went down a storm and everyone enjoyed them!


They were delicious! At first I thought that the milk chocolate ones were my favourite but that was before I tried the chocolate orange ones. They were amazing!

Bob and my nephew were big fans of the white chocolate biscuits!


We had a lovely tea party!

Disclaimer: We were sent the biscuits free of charge for the purpose of this post but all opinions and photographs are our own.

 Posted by Charlotte on June 10, 2015 Reviews  Add comments

  2 Responses to “A Little Tea Party”


    Aww! How lovely! Happy birthday to your nephew x


    Lovely tea party!

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