When Bob was a baby we lived over 2 hours away from my family and friends. We used to go and visit them and it used to take forever as I would insist on stopping at regular intervals and getting her out of her car seat. I was paranoid about her spine.

I had heard and read so many things about how babies shouldn’t be in a car seat for more than 2 hours as their spine is in the wrong position. This made me panic and I didn’t like leaving her in her car seat for even 1 hour.

The Kiddy Evo Lunafix is the first car seat which allows your baby to lay flat and I am delighted to have been given the opportunity to review one!

Safe sleeping positions for babies are so important! The Evo Lunafix reduces the risks associated with upright car seats. When the car seat is in the lay flat position it tilts the babies head back which keeps their air way open. It also keeps their body inline which helps with healthy growth.

The Lullaby Trust is working alongside Kiddy to promote the importance of safer sleep for babies. They know the importance of a baby sleeping in the flattest position possible and are glad to see that the Evo Lunafix offers a solution.

I was already sold when I heard about the car seats ability to lie flat. It could have looked awful and I wouldn’t have cared. Safety is most important. Luckily the Evo Lunafix looks lovely! There are many colours and designs to choose from and there is a car seat to suit everyone’s taste.


It took me a long time to decide which design to have. Eventually I chose the Hawaii. This is a lovely turquoise colour which is unisex. I liked the Lavendar car seat but I worried that it might be a bit girly.

When the car seat arrived Bob was very excited! She assumed it meant her baby brother was on his way and was disappointed that she would have to wait a few more weeks. That didn’t stop her getting a balloon for him to match his car seat. Don’t panic! I will remove the balloon before the car seat is used!


As the car seat is so high tech, I was worried it would be difficult to use. How would you make it lie flat? In reality it is so simple. When you move the car seat handle the angle of the car seat moves. When the handle is up the car seat is upright and when it is down the seat is in the lie flat position. Even I could manage to work it out!

Over the next few months we are going to be putting the car seat through it’s paces. It’s first challenge is whether it can be connected to a pushchair that I like. I am very fussy! Watch this space!

Disclaimer: We were sent the car seat free of charge in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

 Posted by Charlotte on September 7, 2015 Reviews  Add comments

  29 Responses to “A Car Seat That Can Lie Flat!”


    It seems there are so many things to worry about when you have babies – eek! This seat looks lovely though. I’m looking forward to hearing how it works when you have the baby in it πŸ™‚ x


    What a great sounding seat – ready and waiting for its new occupant. x


    My daughter would never sleep in her car seat because it wasn’t flat, this sounds just right x


    Ah lovely review!

    We need a new car seat so I will definitely take a look at this πŸ™‚

    By the way, I love your blog design and header, so cute



    That seat looks huge with no small person in it, I am sure it will still feel huge with the new arrival in x


    I wish I had found something like this when my last baby was small… she was premie and needed an oxygen suply at all times… car journeys were a night mare asher little lungs didn’t cope well in the usual position! but lieing flat would have solved it all!


    This looks fantastic! I wish I had known about before, but think my little one is too big now.


    sounds like a great seat loving the colours and look forward to further up dates on it


    This is such a great idea…I wish these were around when my girls were younger. It would have came in really handy x


    I’d have loved this when mine were little. I used to hate them sleeping sitting up. They also have a very colourful range, thanks for the review x


    I must admit I’m very intrigued how a car seat can lie a baby so flat and still be safe but the manufacturers must have done their research. How proud is little Bob?! Gorgeous pic – looking forward to updates when the car seat is finally in use πŸ™‚


    That is a gorgeous car seat. I love the colours. I hope that your little one likes it as much as their big sister! πŸ™‚


    That car seat sounds and looks amazing! My favorite color is the pink one, it will be perfect for my sister that is pregnant. I’m going to check it out and thanks for the great post πŸ˜€


    I would have loved one of these. When the baby gets a bit older like 6 weeks if they are asleep there head always come forward no matter how slowly you break, to lie flat this would resolve this issue. What a fantastic idea. x


    Now this does sound like a great idea. Loving the pretty colours in the range too.


    Oh wow what a great idea for a car seat – and it looks great too!


    How great is this?! Mine are too big for these car seats now but with all the long journeys I used to do and still do, this would have been ideal… The 260 mile trip each way to my parents is a long one, and also frequent with babies!


    I love the concept of these seats. I love the funky colours that they also come in. It looks like you are nearly ready for your new addition.


      Almost. It’s a good job as I have an appointment to try and turn him on Friday the 18th (he’s breech) and from there will either be induced or have a c section. Not long now! x


    First of all your blog header is so cool I love it and secondly the car seat is beautiful and practical whats not to love!


    This looks like a great thing for a baby! I love how it comes in a range of colours too.


    that looks like a good car seat.


    Brilliant idea! Simple yet so clever. Some babies have to travel quite a lot so this is great for them. Kaz x


    I have the exact same car seat in the same colour it’s a great one we have the marching pushchair too highly recommend it. Xx

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