When I was Bob’s age I came home from nursery and told my mum that I wanted to be a fox in the nativity. My mum explained that there wasn’t a fox in the nativity and I replied, ‘Oh yes there is! While shepherds watch their fox by night!’
When I got over the fact that I couldn’t be a fox I decided I wanted to be a king. Unfortunately I didn’t get the part and I was someone who turned the pages of this big box. I don’t even know which character that was.
On the morning of our nativity one of the Kings was ill. They asked me to stand in as, ‘I was the only one who could take over the part at such short notice.’
For weeks Bob has been telling me that she was going to be a chef in her nativity. I smiled, wondering where she got her madness from, and assumed she meant shepherd. She did and, I know I am biased but she was the cutest shepherd I have ever seen!
Your not biased – bless her!! On a side not have you seen Flint Street Nativity? If not you have to, it will have you in stitches!! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWtEgGl0u6E)
I have never heard of it. Off to watch it now!