I like a challenge and I also like being creative so when I was asked by Mobile Mini to create a portable grotto for Santa that could fit inside a storage container I started thinking of what I could make.
The example they gave was a simple idea, just to show us what sort of thing they were looking for. I wanted to think of something unusual and, as usual, I got a bit carried away. 🙂
I love the Animal Crossing series of games. I have had 3 versions of it and it has helped me while away many of Bob’s sleepless nights when she was younger.
In the game you can collect furniture to decorate your house. My favourite furniture series was the sweet collection. This gave me an idea. How good would an edible Santa’sGrotto be! Obviously an edible Santa’s Grotto has it’s impracticalities. I would love it to be fully edible but in hindsight it may have to be pretend food. If Santa sat on a Swiss roll sofa he may never get back up!
I started designing my grotto and included lots of yummy things.
Chocolate & Matchmaker walls
Melted white chocolate ceiling
Biscuit floor tiles
Swiss roll sofas
Mince pie table
Lollipop Christmas tree
Sweet baubles
Fondant fancy presents
I would love to visit this grotto! Especially if it was edible! I doubt there would be much of it left after my visit though. 🙂
If it had to be pretend food, I still think it would be great! We love going in the castle at Sundown Adventureland as it is filled with pretend sweets. They even pipe in sweet smells. The mint room is amazing!
My portable grotto would definitely have to have those! A puff of chocolate scent could surround you as you sat on the Swiss roll sofa! How exciting!
This post is my entry into the Mobile Mini competition.
That looks good enough to eat ;0)