Before Bob came along New Year’s was a party night. We have been to and hosted lots of lovely parties including a pyjama party. 🙂
Now we are responsible parents celebrating is not as easy. On Bob’s first New Year’s Eve we had a quite night in with a couple of friends. My insomniac baby even joined us to see the new year in.
Last year as Bob was sleeping slightly better my husband and I had a romantic night in. We cooked a lovely 3 course meal and watched The Holiday. Bob woke up just before midnight and we snuggled together to watch the fireworks on television.
It was lovely but we have decided that this year we would like to do something more to celebrate. Pubs are not an option and parties are a lot of work with a little one. We have decided that we might like to go away somewhere.
We want to find somewhere that is very family friendly where we can bring in the New Year together. You never know, Bob might be asleep at midnight this year but I doubt it. 😉
We are thinking about going to Butlins. We have been once before and Bob loved it!
I have been looking at their website and it looks perfect for new year’s eve breaks. They have a party with live bands and confetti canyons, which sound amazing! They also have a fireworks display on New Year’s Day.
Our nearest Butlins is at Skegness so we could also enjoy winter walks on the beach and have tasty doughnuts dipped in hot chocolate to warm us up!
Times change when you have a little one but things can be much more wonderful! I always remember a quote that I saw once on Facebook. I am not sure who the author is but it sums up parenthood for me.
‘There comes a point in life when fun no longer means clubbing, drinking or being out ’till 4am, or thinking about yourself first! Fun means Disney movies, family dinners, bedtime stories, long cuddles, a messy house, sleeping by 10pm and hearing little voices say “I love you.” Becoming a parent doesn’t change you, it makes you realize that the little people that YOU created deserve the very best of your time!’
How are you spending your New Year’s Eve?
Sounds perfect! The beach is lovely for walks in winter 🙂
We have no plans yet but last year we went to an all you can eat chinese with all our friends – it was pretty epic although i was pregnant at the time so couldn’t drink. I plan to make up for that this year 🙂
Sounds idea, wanna swap? My new years this year is the cut off for OH to decide whether or not he wants me (Sorry sounds pathetic put like that!) my brilliant thought was if he doesn’t new year, new start. However the dawning realisation is that I will spend this years new year watching my phone and hoping he will turn up on my doorstep… I’ll let you know what happens!
That doesn’t sound much fun. Hope you are alright! x