Aug 132013
I have lots of lovely readers and many them leave comments which makes my day! I can’t believe anyone wants to read my drivel, let alone comment on it!
I have one regular commenter who is quite different from my other readers. He’s a dog. 🙂 Dalton the dog has been commenting on my blog for some time and his comments often make me chuckle.
When we got our new rabbit Jasper, Dalton asked if he could send some treats to him as a present. He sent Wagg Carrot Bakes and Jasper loves them! He even eats them out of Bob’s hand!
Thanks Dalton! Jasper is very grateful!
Disclaimer : I was sent the treats free of charge but I was not asked to write a review. I did this because Jasper loves the treats and Dalton is fab.
Thank you so much for taking the time to review them and I am pleased they are popular – you should check out the other flavours!
You’re very welcome! Thank you from Jasper! x
I think so too! 🙂 x
Of course we would!